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*****Chapter 11 - Bracelet*****

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Chapter 11 - Bracelet

"MUM!" Hero's 8-year old voice screamed out throughout the house. "DAD!"

Oceane pulled away from Ace as the pair lay somewhat entangled on the bed.

"I just want five minutes." Ace groaned as he buried his head in Oceane's neck.

She simply laughed as she gently patted his head. "Our daughter calls."

Ace groaned as he reluctantly rolled off his wife and offered her his hand. She sighed as she took it and he gently pulled her up.

"Sex tonight says it was AJ." He grumbled as they left their room.

"A back rub with no sex says it was Salvatore." Oceane replied with a laugh as the pair stopped outside of Hero's room, where Marco was standing beside Jack.

"It's pretty bad." Jack mumbled as the couple walked into Hero's room.

Immediately they were met with their apparently incredibly upset daughter in her pyjamas, as she was covered head to toe in foam bullets stuck with suction cups.

Hero automatically came charging for Oceane as she wrapped her arms around her, while she cried.

"Which one?" Ace sighed out.

"AJ." Hero's voice was just about heard as she continued to cry into her mother.

Ace and Oceane looked up at each other as a small smile came to Ace's face.

"I'll deal with the shitbag, you deal with her then I believe you owe me something."

Oceane rolled her eyes at her husband as he quickly left the room, leaving her to deal with their crying daughter.


"You gonna give me an explanation or am I gonna have to beat it outta ya?" Ace sighed as he leant against AJ's doorframe.

The 14-year old shrugged as he sat sulking on his own bed, arms crossed as he refused to look up at his dad.

"Silent treatment huh?" Ace sighed again as he came further into AJ's room. "Yeah your mum does that sometimes."

"It wasn't my fault." AJ scoffed out harshly, still refusing to look up at him.

"Gun on the floor." Ace mumbled as he nodded down at it. "Victim statement." He continued as he sat down on the bed.

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