Interim: On the Way

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Cale breathed in deeply as he observed the temporary camp set up, servants and guards working together to create a comfortable, secure environment for a night of much needed rest. They had set off for the Ubarr territory two days ago, and due to the recent events in the Capital they hadn't felt secure enough to risk a proper camp setup until today.

The event in question was, of course, the bombing Cale had been so worried about. He'd been lucky enough to have so many skilled individuals, far more useful than himself, there to find the majority of the bombs before anything terrible could happen. Of course, he'd had to reveal his ancient power due to the plot somewhat changing, but now he knew just how much his shield could withstand and had earned a little bit of money from the crown prince for his trouble.

Choi Han had been furious, of course, alpha instincts rioting within him at the sign of someone he'd partially claimed as his own being hurt. Cale had somewhat expected that from the would-be harem protagonist. Choi Han had gone nearly out of control in the novel when seeking revenge after Pendrick's unfortunate end. He'd quite literally ripped his enemies apart for the omega.

Luckily, Cale was able to handle the alpha's sudden fury, simply redirecting his energy to other, more useful tasks. He'd even been able to convince the man to journey with Rosalyn and Lock. Rosalyn needed to settle things in her homeland, and Cale needed Choi Han to get the plot back on track. With them gone, he could gain his next desired ancient power and have a bit of rest as well.

It was difficult being favored by an alpha harem protagonist. He'd barely been able to sit properly at first once they'd separated. Choi Han had been intent on leaving a lasting impression on Cale's body during their final evening together, and he'd certainly done his job. Cale could barely contemplate the idea of sleeping with someone for days after their parting, wrung out to a point that not even his ancient powers could assist with the lasting ache inside of him.

He could only hope that Choi Han would redirect some of that favor towards Rosalyn. He knew the two had already slept together. Surely some time together would get them-and the plot- back on track.

Of course, Cale could complain but he had to admit as the days began to pass — and his body recovered — without a partner he was beginning to get that uncomfortable feeling once more. He'd learned his lesson the last time around, and had done his best to circumvent any potential omega-enhanced touch starvation before it could begin.

Luckily, the children that surrounded him didn't seem to mind a pat here or a brush there, gentle affections that kept the more domestic side of his omega instincts happy. He felt nowhere near as bad as he had when Taylor and Cage had assisted him, his mind was clear, his body relaxed.

That should solve all his problems, sex wasn't a necessity, every book he had read had stated this as fact...

But, Cale had kept a steady sexual partner for weeks. There had been a constant source for relieving stress and finding pleasure within reach. The echoes of bodies pressed against his own, the warmth of another being all around him, inside of him, constantly brushed the edges of his awareness. His body may not need the contact to remain healthy with his current options, but he wanted it.

Really, there was no reason why he shouldn't find enjoyment in another partner. It wasn't as if he didn't have options. Cale took in the people still present around the campfire. Perhaps one of them would be willing.

Cale could use Hans, as the beta had promised he'd always be of service, but unfortunately he had left with Beacrox for the privacy of the forest not long ago. The two apparently were rather compatible in the bedroom, something that made Cale shiver. The book hadn't gone too into detail about Beacrox's preferences, but considering his specialty he could only assume it was something darker than Cale was accustomed to. This assumption was, of course, backed up by the variety of small bruises that seemed to hold the shape of ropes that constantly lingered on Hans' skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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