Chapter 13.

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•Hunters P.O.V.•

"SO SLIDE THAT LITTLE SURGAR SHAKER OVER HERE AND GET YOUR SHINE ONNNN!" Stella sang really loud from the drivers seat. I was cracking up, and secretly recording it. She started throwing her hands up and back down on the steering wheel, smiling while doing so. "DRIPPING RHINE STONES, TURN YOUR PARTY LIGHTS ON, BABY GET YOUR SHINE ON, SHINE ONNNN!" she sang some more. She looked over at me and laughed, then looked down at me phone and saw I was recording. "No you didn't!" she laughed, while stoping at a stop sign. She looked at me, and then shoved me. I ended the video, making sure to add that too the "For The Love Of Music" video for all the fans. She took a right down a dirt road, where trees were lined down, one by one, next to the road. It was very pretty. She took another right and ended up at this track. Their we're hills and trees all around it. She put the car in park and looked at me. "You ready to get your butt wiped?" she asked, leaning over to me. I laughed.

"We'll see about that." I told her. She stole a kiss before hoping out of the car. I quickly followed, meeting her at the front of the car.

"My friend, Damien, owns this place." she said as we walked. I looked over at her while she looked at all the roads and track in front of her. She took a deep breath, and looked down at her feet. "I came here all the time, letting out all my problems, on these roads. I love the adrenaline that comes along, when you whip around the turns, it makes me so happy." she said, smiling up at me. We got to the top of the hill, and I saw just how big this track was. I pulled out my phone and took a video. I showed the roads and trees and the way the sun was shinning. I turned the camera over to Stella, and she waved at the camera.

"I'm so gonna beat him." she said, looking past the camera and at me. I grinned, turning the camera back to me.

"Yea, we'll see about that." I said, and got a little of her giggle in the back round before ending it. She took my hand and lead me down the hill. Near the end of it, I saw all the cars and gear and a little shack next to it. She quickly walked down the hill, letting go of my hand before so, and knocked on the counter.

"Damien!?" she called. I heard the sound of what sounded like a wrench hitting the ground. I got their just in time to see his expression.

"NeStella!?" he called. She laughed and hoped over the counter and hugged him. He lifted her up and held her close. "What are you doing!? Where have you been, girl!?" he said. He set her down and looked at me then back at her.

"Well this is Hunter, and he brought me back." she said. She smiled over at me, and Damien smiled at me too. He looked at her and she smiled. "Yes Damien, he's my boyfriend." she said laughing. I couldn't help but laugh a little too.

"Well are you two here to ride?" he asked. She nodded and turned around to the wall behind her. She walked over to it and picked up two helmets. Hers was pink, typical, and she handed me a black one.

"Do you still have my car?" she asked him. He must have read her mind, because he tossed her the keys behind him. She caught them and smiled down at them. I could tell she really missed it here.

"What car do you want to give him?" he asked her, looking at the keys behind him. At the same time, they said "#19" and they smiled. He handed her the keys and she came back to me. She handed me a helmet, and my keys, while hoping back over the counter. "I'll leave you two be... Have fun!" He said, turning back to his project. She waved and walked around to the car. Damien must have started playing music so he wouldn't be distracted.

"I didn't feel like explaining how you are famous and stuff so I shortened it." she smiled over at me.

"It's fine." I told her. She walked over to her car and started jumping up and down.

"It's exactly the same as how I left it." she said, walking up to it, and looking around it. She pulled it out, and hoped it. She sat their for a little, and slipped her key in. She looked over at me, and taped the care next to her. "This ones yours." she said. I walked over and sat in it. It was cool being in it. She started hers up, and smiled over at me. I quickly started mine up, and looked over at her. "Lets go! I'll show you around first, so I'll go easy." she smiled, pulling out of her space and down the lane we had just walked on. I followed after her, and found it pretty easy to drive the car. It sat low, but it was a cool feeling. On the back of Stells car, their was a DM magnet, around it was a black heart. I wasn't sure what it meant, but it was a really cool magnet. She started going a little faster down the track, but I kept up. And before I knew it, we were stopped at a separate road that lead down throw the woods. It was a really pretty sight, and I knew she wanted to go. She hopped out of her car, turning it off before doing so, and came to my car. She took her helmet off, and shook her hair out. I felt my heart beat a little more, realizing just how beautiful she really is. When she same closer, I turned off my car too. "Were gonna walk down their, wait till you see the view." she said. I got out and took her hand. I was really comfterble around her, and it made me happy. And before I knew it, we made it to the end of the road. The view was for sure breath taking, and that's when I realized just how much she really did miss it, when I saw a single tear roll down her cheek.

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