Chapter 23

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(Sorry this was so late)

"I made some muffins yesterday, would you like one?" Karen asked as she stood in the kitchen. I nodded, looking out the window into the back yard. Hunter and Owen were on the beach. Owen was trying to show Hunter how to skip a rock, and Hunter was failing tremendously.

"Thank you." I said as she handed me my muffin and sat across me. She nodded as she scooted in, and took a sip of her tea. "How long have you two been together?" She asked me, pulling me out of my daze.

"Not very long, actually. We're going to the Grammys tomorrow." I told her, picking out the blue berries and eating them myself.

"He's a artist!?" She asked. I laughed and nodded. "Stella that's awesome!" She said again, looking back at them. I smiled, eating some more blue berries.

"How is he?" I asked her. She shrugged, and sat up straight.

"He's always tired. He would ride his bike around the house at least every day... He hasn't in a couple weeks." She said, sighing.

"He's gonna be ok, we have to be strong with him." I told her. She nodded, and turned her head to watch him play. "Hunter said he'll drive me here whenever you want me." I told her. She nodded.

"Don't you leave soon after the Grammys? They are over tomorrow." She said.

"We leave on Thursday." I said as she turned back to me. She grabbed her tea.

"Owen! Want some blue berry muffins?" She called out to him. He nodded, and ran to the house. Hunter walked behind him. Karen took Owen into the house while Hunter walked to me. He stood behind me, and rubbed my shoulders.

"He's a really good kid." He said. I smiled up at him.


I heard Karens laugh as I walked down the steps. It was 9:30 and Owen finally went to sleep. I walked up to Hunter and rested my head on his shoulder. I could tell they were talking about me, the way Karen was smiling.

"Well we have a busy day tomorrow, and we should probably get going soon." I told Karen. I looked up at Hunter who was watching me.

"It was really nice to meet you Hunter, Owen really enjoyed meeting you too I'm sure." She said as Hunter walked up and hugged her. "I hope you win big tomorrow, we'll be routing for you!" She smiled. He laughed and thanked her again. I walked over to her then and hugged her for what felt like forever.

"If you ever need anything... I'm just a phone call away." I told her, releasing our hug. She nodded, folding her arms on her chest. "Seriously." I added. She nodded again. I followed Hunter too the door and we said our last goodbye before leaving. "Can I drive somewhere to show you something quick." I asked Hunter. He looked over and made a questionable face.

"Sure..." He said, handing me the keys. I laughed at his expression as I hopped in the drivers seat. I started up the engine and watched Hunter shake his head at me while he walked around the car and got in the passengers seat.

I drove down a little dirt road that lead to a separate little beach. I quickly got out, leaving the keys in the car, knowing that no one comes here, and walked to where the waves crashed on sand. I slipped my hands in my pockets, and let the wind blow through my hair and I watched the beach I grew up on still make a gorgeous summer song. Minutes later I heard the jeeps doors shut, and two warm arms wrap around my waist. I smiled when he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I grew up here, every Friday night in the summer, my brother would drive out here and we would talk around the camp fire and sing songs. Just a brother and sister bonding moment." I said as a tear slipped out from my eye. Hunter let go of my waist, and stood in front of me, whipping away my tear. I stared in his eyes as he did so, and I felt as if my pain was slowly going away. The feeling of relief.

"You're seriously so beautiful." He said, breaking the silence. I didn't realize how long I were staring at him, till I felt my cheeks get warm. I looked down at the sand, and shook my head. I've never been beautiful. What was he saying. He lifted his hand and moved my chin up to see him. His face was so close to mine, that at any movement I would be kissing him. "You are, Stella. And you never give yourself credit." He said, and in sudden movement caused by him, he kissed me. I still got the butter flys, and I could have sworn there were fireworks exploding on the shore. I pulled away fast, and added another comment.

"All my life.. I thought Id never get married. I thought Id never have a family. Or the dream house that I dream about all the time. I always thought I would be alone at nights, and I would always wake up to an empty room. My brother always told me, 'He'll be the one to knock you on your knees... In the good way.' And I would always laugh, and say 'Yea right' .. But I did knock on my knees for you. Literally. Like I fell right in front of you. And I never in a million years... Would I imagine someone amazing like you would be standing here, taking my breath away. I love you so much, please don't ever leave-" I said before I was interrupted by a forceful kiss. The ones where he holds your head up because you would've fell over if not. I placed my hands on his chest, as he slowly pulled away, ending with little kisses. "And no matter what happens tomorrow, weather you win or not, I am so proud of you." I told him. And with that, I kissed him, wanting this moment to stay for ever and ever.

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