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So today I just felt like writing smut and personalities and stuff but not necessarily a story to go with its, so for this chapter/part/oneshots it can be any duo from the boys, even b×b that aren't part of the boys

B1/Boy 1 is top
B2 / Boy 2 is bottom

Set up: these two characters get off on agression and they kinda hate eachother but like each other like frenemies or something like that( imagine Ian and Mickey in season 1 of Shameless). Maybe the where arguing about work or school or even a video game and now there all hot and bothered(therefore this isn't like a sweet, first time, " love making" session it's more of a "hate - fuck"

Enjoy :]

"Are you ready?"

I nodded. He(B1) lines his cock up with my(B2) hole I shiver when they griesed eachother. He let a ball of spit roll out his mouth and waited a few seconds to let the warmth seep into my skin. He began to thrust in slowly. As soon as his cock was all the way in he let out a sharp breath almost like a hiss

"Fuck you're so tight!! Ah~ I thought you where a whore"

He say trying his best not to complement me.

"W- mmm~ we. . . We both know that's not how that works AHHH FUCK~"

As he continues to thrust deeper and deeper the faster he moves inside me

"Ahh~~ i-i need nghhh~~ Fuh-uh-uhk"

Even thought my eyes are close and my head is tilted back I can still see the shit eating grin plastered on his stupid face. He slowly shallowed his thrust to the point where I could only feel his tip in me. I tilt my head up to see __(B1)__ staring at with the same grin on his face.

"You like this __(B2)__?"

I cant see them but I can tell that my cheeks are bright red, and turn my head away from him. I can feel his hands running up my side slowly creeping around to my chest as I feel his hot breath barely inches from my hole.

His hands are so cold

A gasp leaves my lips while as I arch my back and feel his soft fingers caress my nipples that go hard almost instantly.

yes~ m-more please~

I felt his whole body shivers as if he wasnt expecting that reaction __(B1)__ blushes HARD yet he manages to regain that smug look.

"Spread your legs (nickname for (B2))"

He said, I did as instructed propping myself up on my elbows.


I spat as _(B1)_'s tongue run up my shaft and towards the head of my dick. He wrapped his beautifully plump lips around my head and quickly taking my length in his warm mouth

Normally I'm the one suck him off, so, this new sensation was startling, and the worst part was the fact that I really fuckin' liked it wonder why we, HE didn't do this more.


My train of thought was derailed by the feeling of his tongue speeding around my head then climbing its way back up to glide against my slit. Our eyes lock while he bobs his head up and down on my cock.

Oh fuck  __(B1)__~~ I-If you don't slow down I'm gonna—

He raised his hand and slapped it over my mouth

"We wouldn't want that now would we ?~ "

He huffed. I wanted to say something but I only nodded.

"Good, now get up for me"

A/N: Sooooo um I kinda ran out of ideas for what else to write but if you want me to continue writing this leave a comment letting me know!! Byeee<333

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