His Dream Life

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Whizzer and Marvin had finally got their happy ending. They hadn't fought in weeks, sex wasn't built on anger, Marvin had cooked now, instead of Whizzer, and they both loved eachother much more than they had 2 years ago.

Marvin was making linguine, his favorite. Since he had been cooking for a while now (and the fact he made linguine almost every single day) he mastered cooking it.

He smiled, humming as he stirred the pasta around.

Whizzer walked into the kitchen, looking for a beverage. Whizzer noticed Marvin humming and smiling, and decided to see what he was all smiles about.

"Someone seems to be in a good mood" Whizzer nudged Marvin gently, in a playful way.

"Well I shouldn't say but... I got a promotion!" Marvin exclaimed

Whizzer's mouth widened "OH MY GOD. REALLY? IM SO PROUD OF YOU MARV!"

Whizzer jumped up and down in the air, then grabbed marvin by the waist and pulled him into a hug, kissing his cheek.

"Thanks, babe." Marvin hugged back, rubbing his back with his hands and a bright smile on his face.

Marvin quickly let go of Whizzer, realizing the pasta was about to start burning. He turned off the stove and with oven mitts, grabbed the pot of boiling pasta, and drained it over the sink.

"Whatcha makin?" Whizzer asked, watching Marvin pour the boiling water into the sink.

"Um.. Linguine." Marvin answered, awkwardly smiling right after.

"Again? Marv, we eat this 5 times a week!" Whizzer complained, pursing his lips.

"I am just trying to perfect it." Marvin crossed his arms, trying to justify himself.

Whizzer rolled his eyes, playfully, and walked away to their room.

Once Marvin had finally finished making linguine, he portioned it out on two plates, put a fork beside the plate of food, and called Whizzer to come eat

Whizzer walked into the kitchen and sat in front of his food. Marvin had already started digging into his food, while Whizzer hasn't even picked up the fork to take a bite of it. He was just staring blankly at the plate of linguine in front of him.

Marvin looked up at Whizzer, realizing he hadn't taken a single bite of the food he made.

"Why aren't you eating?" Marvin asked, confused and concerned.

"Can't" Whizzer responded

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I'm not alive Marv," Whizzer looked up at Marvin. "You need to accept that I've passed. You can't keep pretending I'm here and that everythings fine,"

Marvin started to tear up shaking his head and covering his ears, and closing his eyes, pretending that he couldn't hear Whizzer.

"You need to move on."

Marvin froze and looked up at Whizzer to respond but once he had looked up, Whizzer was gone and all he could see was an empty chair.

Marvin got up crying harder than he was before. He grabbed his keys and got into his car, driving to the cemetery to find Whizzer's gravestone.

One he got there he ran in, searching for Whizzer's gravestone. After a long time of searching he finally found it and sat down in front of it, tears running down his cheeks.

On the gravestone it had the word "checkmate" on it. For a while Marvin just sat there talking to the gravestone and telling Whizzer about what was going on in his life.

Whizzvin oneshots ((DISCONTINUED))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora