Falling for the anti-hero pt. 2

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I tricked the so-called "hero" into pretending I wanted to join the good side.  The tears were real though. I really do regret killing my brother and him bring it up hurt me. Anyways, now I can spy and get info to help my other villain friends.

He's been leading me somewhere. I think it's to his stupid hero base or as they like to call it "mi casa la badass heroes" which I find incredibly stupid. My non-villain friends always ask me why I hate hero's so much and to answer their question it's because they're cliched and dumb. They annoy me.

"So," Finian said, trying to strike a conversation amidst the awkward silence. "You excited to work together?"

I put on a fake smile. "Yep. So excited to work with the world renowned superheros!"

God he was already starting to tick me off. I hate when people are nice to me. I preferred when we were against eachother and beat eachother up. It was entertaining. I even bled once. Felt good. I felt alive in that moment. Probably one of my favorite fights of ours. Anyways, we're in front of some huge rock. It's weirdly smooth. I really want to touch it. Im gonna touch it.

I walked up to the very smooth rock and touched it.

"So smooth" I muttered to myself

"I know right? It feels so nice" he replied

How did he hear me? Does he have super hearing too? God this man has everything. Atleast he doesnt have telepathy. That would be terrible, but I'm pretty sure one of the superheroes in there have telepathy, so that means no evil villain talk when in the base. And let me guess. This smooth rock has a button on it.

He pressed a button and the smooth part of the rock seperated into two pieces revealing a surprisingly messy living room looking base. Two superheroes were play fighting in the back. Wait is that deadpool and spiderman? What the fuck kind of base is this. I expected a nice organized facility, but no. It's trashy. Even my base is cleaner than this. And damn deadpool is attractive. It's just the suit. Has me feelin some type of way.

"What do you think?" Finian said with a nauseating smile.

I looked around at the huge mess and smiled back at him "Looks great. So good."

"Thank you"

He took off his hero suit to reveal a black tank top and gray sweatpants underneath. I blushed slightly. The tanktop revealed his very buff arms and it just did something to me.

"Good lord" I blurted quietly

I covered my mouth realizing what I just said

"What was that?" Finian responded confused.

"Oh, nothing!" I replied embarassed of what I had just said.

He looks so good with a tank-top on. He should've made this his hero suit. It would've been 10 times more entertaining when I fought him.

"Oh, I forgot to give you a tour!"

"Fun! A tour! I love tours" I said extremely sarcastically, but for some reason he thought I was genuinely excited. Such a silly man.

"Over here is the gaming room, or as I like to call it, 'mi.. oui'? I couldn't think of anything."

I chuckled at his stupidity. God he's so dumb. It's kinda cute.. No! It's disgusting and clichéd how dumb he is. It makes me want to puke. It's not cute. Why did I say that?

"Over here is the tv room, or as I like to call it, 'Netflix and Chill'."

Just by looking at him I knew he was proud of himself for finally making up a good pun.

"Now that is clever. Good job" I say to make him feel even better about his pun

In reply, he smiles "Ah," He exaggerated, flapping his hand toward me in a flustered way. "It's nothing compared to the next pun I'm gonna make in the next room" He looked excited to find out what pun he was gonna make next, but also concentrated, probably thinking of what pun he's gonna make with this next room.

"This is the locker room, or as I like to call it 'get ready with me' room." He said the pun in a higher pitch voice. I'm assuming he was trying to sound feminine. It did not.

I chuckled anyway, finding his pun quite funny, considering the fact I've seen so many get ready with me videos

"That one was definitely worth waiting for."

"Thank you, thank you" He said bowing as if he was some type of celebrity. Which he is in a sense.

"And these are the bedrooms. You can pick whichever one says vacant. Or if you wanted to you could bunk with me, I still need a roomie"

"Sure! I'd love to bunk with you" Perfect, this'll make it a lot easier to spy on him. Hold on. That sounds bad out of context. I mean spy on his missions and hero stuff.. Anyways.

"Yay! I have a new roomie now!" He jumped up in down as he clapped his hands.

I clapped along with him for a moment and eventually he took my to my room. It was so much more fancier than I expected it to be. I expected it to be trashy like the rest of the place, but wow. It was so nice.

"Woah." I said, my face in awe of the place. And the view! The view was so beautiful. I could see the whole city from it.

"This is.. Beautiful" I said, only looking at the view, rather than him

"Thanks! I redecorated it myself"

"You did all of this?" I replied shocked

"Yep. Took me 9 or 10 months. I can't remember."

"It's amazing"

"Thank you!"

I walked to the bed and threw myself on it.

This mission is gonna be great.

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