Falling For the Anti-hero pt.3

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Delia <3

Valdis looks so cute right now. He has this 'in awe' face and even with that he still manages to look good. Also, he's sharing a room with me so that's gonna be fun. I just hope I don't blow my chance with him.

Delia <3:
I think you'll do great! I mean to me you're handsome, so I think you'll win his heart in no time. If you do blow it though, just remember there are other fish in the sea. And if you have a breakdown, I have a lot of food in my fridge and pantry you can eat.

Thank's Delia. Atleast you see me as handsome. Most people see me as a scruffy white boy, but whatever. I hope he atleast sees me as attractive. I mean I did purposefully take my hero suit off to reveal my muscles and he seemed to like it. So that means I might have a shot at this. Right? OH GOD I HAVE NO SHOT AT GETTING WITH HIM.

Delia <3
WOAH WOAH WOAH, MARV! CALM DOWN. YOU HAVE A SHOT. DONT THROW AWAY YOUR SHOT! And I promise. I mean showing your muscles. I bet he liked that didn't he?

I am not throwing away my shot Delia, I'm just saying 🤷‍♂️. I mean he doesn't seem like he likes me. I feel like he doesn't find me attractive either. He just finds me attractive in the "damn he's ripped" kind've way.

Delia <3
Well I personally think he has a crush on you. Also I have to go Char just got back home from work. We're having a candle light dinner 🥳

Oh okay. Bye Delia! ♥️♥️

Delia <3
Bye Marv! ♥️

I turn my phone off and place it on my dresser. I turn my back towards Whizzer and study him. He's reading a book. I can't really tell what he's reading, since it's not facing me, but he seems pretty focused on it. Whizzer seemed to have noticed I was staring and started turning his head towards me. I quickly turned my head, embarassed.

"I'm reading The Great Gatsby"


"You were trying to see the book title right?"

"Oh yeah I was" I lie. "Thanks" I smile

I lie my head down on my pillow, pull the blanket over my body, close my eyes, and fall asleep.

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