Falling for the Anti-hero pt.1 (alternate ending)

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I was just casually brushing my teeth till I saw the signal that a villain was on the loose I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Don't get me wrong. I love winning and kicking the bad guys ass. But I just back from beating up a bad guy and now they wanted me back AGAIN. God being a hero is so exhausting! I ripped my pj's I had put on a couple of minutes ago and flew off (don't worry. I had my hero suit under my pj's.. Don't judge. It's just easier when I have to fight crime. God I love saying that.)

I landed on the ground and was met with the villain I have been trying to catch for a while. Valdis. The villain never said what his real name was, so I just stick to calling him Valdis.

"Ah, Finian, darling. Long time no see." Valdis smirked.

"Dont 'Finian Darling' me Valdis. What'd you do this time?"

"Nothing." Valdis shrugged

"It's never really 'nothing' is it though, Valdis? You're always doing something that puts everyone around you in danger. You killed your own brother,"

That comment looked like it hurt Valdis. Even through his stupid mask I could tell he was holding back tears. He opened his mouth to say something, but a firework was set off in me and I couldn't stop.

"And for what? To prove how great of a villain you are? You are sick, Valdis."

Valdis's eyes widened. I could tell, because all I saw was his deep brown pupil and white sclera

"I didn't do any of that to prove how good of a villain I am." He finally spoke.

I heard the hurt in the way he spoke. "Then why'd you do it?"

"To prove that I'm worth something. You wouldn't understand because you're a superhero and everyone loves and praises you. 'Oh wow look it's Finian coming to save the day again' I hate being the one people fear and hate. I get fucking death threats through the mail every damn day. I just want it to be over. And for your fucking information, Finian. I've changed. and for the good. It's been 4 fucking years since I was put in jail and 3 years since I've been out. I'm trying to change for the better and I have."

"You never really do. Do you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've never changed. You never have and never will. You will always be the same pyschotic narcissist the world already sees you as, but if you ever actually do want to change for the better, than join me. Be my side kick or just one of my hero friends. Join the light side." I put my hand out for him to take

He looks down at my hand and back at me.

"Fuck you and fuck your light side too" "If you think calling me a 'pyschotic narcissist', 'sick', and bringing back things I did in the past and regret so much is gonna make me join your team of assholes then you are wrong" He took his mask off and revealed a tear filled face and red puffy eyes.

I stood silently not knowing how to respond. "I'm sorry. I just wanted- I didn't mean any of that. You know I didn't mean i-"

"Liar. You know damn well you meant all that shit you said to me." "You heroes are all the same. You fight and fight us, but never once think to ask us what we've been through, why we wanted this life when, why we turned evil when we could've been self-obsessed stuck-up heroes, such as yourself."

"I'm sorry. Im just gonna.. I'm just gonna go"

"And don't even think about coming back after the shit you just said to me"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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