Falling for an Anti-Hero pt. 4

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"Get up."
Weird thing to say in a dream, but whatever.
"Valdis get up."
Someone hits me on the back
I slowly open my eyes and turn around to see Finian wide awake.
"Your in a good mood aren't you?" I tiredly smile.
"Yup!" He smiles "Today we're going to track down villains.. On computers!!"

"Oh. Sounds.. Fun?"

"Wow. Very enthusiastic, Valdis" He says very sarcastically. "Now cmon we gots to go"

"Okay, okay"

I get up, and pick up an outfit to wear. I struggle taking off my pants, but eventually get them off and put my new pants on. Once I finally get my clothes on I rush outside.

"Where is he?" I mumble to myself.

"over here" Finian comes out of nowhere

I jump "Where did you come from?"

"I was in the room the entire time."

"You were?!" Was he just watching while I was changing??

"Did you not see me?"

"I thought you left"

"Well, just to be clear. I didn't look. If that's what you were thinking."

I sigh of relief and follow him to the office they apparently had.

"Tada!!" Finian excitedly lifts both his arms in the office.

"It's... nice!" I lie. This office is completely filthy and empty. There's no flavor even for an office. There's only a few small spaces with computers, which is weird cause there's like more than 10 heroes here.

"I know! Everyone loves it!"

"I bet they do!"

"Well chop chop get to work."

I nod and sit down on one of the desk chairs, boot up the computer and get straight to work.

I fall asleep, bored of "searching for villains". The entire time I was looking at the latest vogue magazine. I mean I can't sell my friends out.

Something tapped my shoulder and I groaned, annoyed and wanting to sleep.

"Don't ughh me." He mocks. "Get back to work."

"Hey, quick question."

"Hm?" He hums.

"Do you know how to.." I look at my computer looking for anything that might take long to explain. "Look for the villains. I've been trying for hours and thats why I fell asleep. I got tired from all the trying to work.. it. Yeah."

"Of course I can help!"

He leans down near me and tells me how it works. I couldn't pay attention to a single word he was saying. I kept getting distracted. We've never been this close and his lips look so kissable right now for some reason. I think he started to realize I was staring and he smirked.

"What are you looking at?"

"No-nothing!" I stutter, embarrassed of getting caught staring at his lips.

"To me it looks like you were staring at my lips." "You wanna kiss me Val?"

He got closer and closer to my face. I could've moved away, but I couldn't. I didn't know how. Instead of any of that I went for it. I kissed him. His lips were so soft. It felt like everything in the world disappeared and it was just me and him. It felt amazing. We made out for quite a bit until we heard people coming. I didn't know what to say or do in this moment so I just stayed silent.

"Valdis?" "You okay there bud? You spaced out."

"Oh! Uh, y-yeah of-of course why would't I be. I'm fine." I rambled and then tried to at cool.

"Okay.. moving on" he continued on with his long explanation about how to track down my friends and this time I actually tried to listen, but I couldn't. I kept trying to figure out why I had that dream. I don't.. no. It's not because I have a crush right? Oh god I have a crush on my arch nemesis.

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