Charlie x Barley•{Not your fault}•

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Hey guys, been a little bit. Just wanted to say I've been busy with school and I'll try my best to keep updating. Have this oneshot as a make up. -u- Ages: Charlie: 28, Barley: 30, Edgar: 15 (he's a bean). Enjoy!

Charlie's POV

The plan was simple. Edgar to detract the guards, Barley to keep lookout while grabbed all the valuables I could. I didn't think that demon child and his father would be there. We're even lucky to have escape with some loot. Edgar kept apologizing for something he didn't even do. I wasn't mad at him, I wasn't mad at anyone. Anyone except myself. I should have known that Bendy and Stein would be there. I should have memorized the actual and the fill in list! I shouldn't have been so stupid! I should have...I should have...the next thing I know, I'm crying in my room, doubting if I was even a good leader. I should have known better than to go in blind and just wing it. It's my fault, not theirs. I hear a knock on the door. "Charlie? You okay?" I hear a raspy, yet adorable and attractive, voice behind the other side. I get up quickly and wipe my tears while fixing my tux. "Of course I'm okay, Barley. Why wouldn't I be okay? We did escape with some loot, didn't we?" I say, fake smiling as I walked to my desk. I then hear the door open as foot steps began to move towards me. Oh boy, here we go...

Barley's POV

As I walked towards Charlie, I notice a few things ever since we returned. He was quiet, keeping to himself, repeativly told Edgar it was not his fault...and he looked like he was gonna cry. I stopped besides him, looking at his desk. He turned away from me to look at his plans for another burglary, muttering to himself. He was not okay. I placed my arms around him, giving him a comfort hug. He didn't budge after I did that, but after I nuzzled his neck and told him he was alight he broke down. He told me that it was all his fault for not planning ahead more in case something happened. He told me he wasn't s good enough leader for me and Edgar. He told me everything that he doubted. This broke my heart. Charlie didn't deserve this much pressure, he deserves to be happy. After a while, I gave him kisses. He was my lover after all. He calmed down soon enough. "Barley?" "Yes, muffin?" "Please don't go. I wanna cuddle." I didn't say nothing. I smiled, picked him up, put him on the bed, and soon he was asleep in my arms. Soft pitter pattering of footsteps were heard and next thing I see is Edgar laying in between both Charlie and I. I have an amazing family.


Hello! Hope y'all enjoyed this family fluff! Have a good morning, good afternoon and good evening!

• -InkyWolf •

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