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*angel* "hey vaggs" angel called as they both sat on the couch husk went behind the bar class 1A went to the other couches there alastor was talking with Charlie
*vaggie* "what angel"
*angel* "remember when cherri came over last week?"
*vaggie* " oh no"
*nifty and husk* " what happened as everyone's gaze went on the two and Charlie was trying not to laugh
*angel* "we'll you see my bestie came over and we were chilling in my room" he got up and walked to a door "with fat nuggets on my lap vaggie went" he left and shut the door and two seconds later slammed it open he said ima tainting vaggie "ArE YoU GuYs HaVeInG SeX RiGhT NoW then I looked up at her and then at cherri and said 'oh cherri you should have said so I would have put fat nuggets to bed' hahahaha"
*vaggie* "angel I swear to god I'll kill you"
*angel* "aww thanks toots would love that ha" while husk was trying not to laugh at that class 1A sat there shocked
*tena* "wait midoorya why has she been calling you angel?" He said doing his hand thing Angel glared at him if looks could kill ida would be ten feet under
*angel* "idk maybe cuase 'deku' means useless and......" he said looking at vaggie with a smug look
*vaggie* "don't you dare"
*angel* "it's my fav drug and my prom star name" he said
*backugo* "YOU DO DRUGS NERD" angel sighed
*angel* "what did you expect me to be happy beating beaten up by you guys every day honestly I don't know how you didn't notice" he shrugged then cherri burst though the door
*cherri* "ANGIE" she screamed then saw class 1A "oh hell naw" she said as she grabbed a bomb
*cherri* "sorry princess" as she put it away
*angel* "what's up sugar tits"
*cherri* "I saw inko on the street heading here!!" angel looked shocked "and that's not the worse part" he looked at her confused "SHE WAS WITH VAL" if he could angel would have turned whiter
*angel* "s she's WHAT!!"
*cherri* "I know! We got to go befo-" there was a loud crash as inko and val walked though the door
*inko* "ahhh there you are 'son' so this is we're you've been hiding" val rushed up to angel and grabbed his face
*val* "angel baby~ did you really think you could get rid me~"he grabbed angels arm "now be a good slut angel cakes and come back to the studio~"
*angel* grabs a gun and points it at his head "sorry not sorry val but I don't think so if you don't want to die get your horney moth hands off me" as val let go "you too 'mother' or if you ever were one get out and never come back or me and cherri will blow up" point at val "you studio" points at inko "and everything you own" they both left in a hurry "sugar tits I need a place to stay again"
*cherri* "on it pack your shit you can move in with me while we find you a place to stay" angel then ran upstairs and ten minutes later came down with everything and fat nuggets
*Charlie* "wait angel you cant leave!"
*cherri* " sorry princess ever since he was kicked out by his 'mother' and started working for val when he quit val and inko have been trying to get him back and every time they find him they come later in the night to try to kidnap him so he has to move"
*angel* "ya sorry princess but I'll be back in ten months when they forget about this place I'll visit everyday day so you can keep a eye on me but for now bye" as angel and cherri leave charlie starts taking with alastor
*Charlie* "hey al can you send a shadow after them to make sure angel is safe"
*alastor* "of course dear!" He snaps his fingers and a shadow starts to follow them
*Charlie* "you guys should go back" she says to class 1A"
*ida* " OH! Yes goodbye and thank you for having us"  then Someone unfamiliar came though
*Arkansas* "hello I'm looking for angel"
*charlie* "he left 5 minutes ago"
*Arkansas" oh than- YOU" he yelled pointing at 1A
*mina* "oh shit" he pulled out a gun
*Arkansas* "did you not hear me last time I said if you ever went near Izu again I'd kill you but right now I have bigger problems but you'd better sleep with one eye open tonight"

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