The leage of crackheads

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*amgel* "of course you won them all bc if I won at least one pops would beat me"
*molly* "oh ya anyways I saw the single most grossest thing when I went to visit niss!"
*angel* "what pops?"
*molly* "oh I wish remember that one beating when he plucked out your eye" angel nodded "HE HAD IT ON DISPLAY IN THE LIVEING ROOM IN A JAR!"
*molly* "I KNOW"
*alastor* "what happened to your eye you said you were born like that" alastor said in a threatening tone
*angel* "shit-"
*shiggy* "we'll I'll get the reast of the league to meet you guys"
*toga* "shiggy!"
*shiggy* "yes toga?"
*toga* "dabi showed his identity to endeavour and my parents are stalking me"
*shiggy* "are you serious go get kargouri tell him to get dabi and you can go apshit on your parents"
*toga* "on it" she walks away
*angel* "dam you guys are like a family!"
*shiggy* "we are because Evan though our backroads are different everyone here has suffered so everyone in the league are the closest Things we all have to family"
*molly* "oh just like angel me cherri and niss cherris parents abused her like pops did to angel me and niss are and have been forced to do things like pop!"
*shiggy* "yea kinda so we may be villains but we all suffered we are a family and sometimes we act like crackheads"
*molly* "you should see angel and cherri when there drunk! I have a vid"
*toga* "oooo let me see!"
*molly" *ok*
*the video *
*angel* "I need someone to take me out" he said as he slurs his words
*cherri* "like on a date or with a shotgun?"
*angel* "surprise me"
*end of video*
*molly* "and the next day she shot him in the leg!" The villains had their mouths on the floor
*dabi* "I like these two"
*angel* "of don't get me started on when your drunk!"
*molly* "oh what ever do you mean dear brother?" She said intently
*alastor* "molly he is referring to the time you got drunk and started hitting on him"
*angel* "yep I had to stop al from throwing you across the world!" The villains mouths were on the floor at this point "you were so drunk you didn't release it was me and you were crushing on me!"
*molly* "like alastor is any better!"
*alastor* "m molly w we d don't n need to m mention t that!"
*molly* "oooh yes we do you no joke gave my brother two years worth of drugs that he finished the same night!"
*shiggy* "wait drugs!"
*angel* "yep oh wait I still have that packet" he pulls out a bag and drugs
*dabi* "holy shit theses kids are more fucked up then us!"
*alastor* "that's because we spent most of our lives in abusive house holds and when we ran away our parents would bring us back"
*angel* "ya you get a little fucked up in the brain with that and on top me and cherri and alastor were bullied"

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