The new aditions to the family

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*molly* "ooooooo so are we part of the family since we joined?" Shiggy just nodded
*kurgori* "yes you are but it takes like one week for everyone to trust you fully"
*molly* "ah ok" she looks at her brother "heeeeyyyyyyyyy angel~"
*angel* "ah ah stay the fuck away from me last time you had that tone of voice you forced me to wear a maid outfit In front of alastor in his season of heat fuck off!"
*toga* "oh my" everyone in the room got a nose bleed thinking on what happened
*molly* "it wasn't that bad!"
*molly* "soooo~ you were a porn star you could never walk!"
*alngel* "this bitch is insane but what is it!"
*molly* "I wanna play a game" she winks at him
*angel* "OH HELL NO!"
*twice* "what game?"
*molly* "a nerf gun battle"
*toga* "why not Izuku!"
*angel* "BECAUSE SHE USES REAL GUNS!" everyone's mouth dropped "molly no remember you shot me in the fucking lungs last time this happened!"
*alastor* "yes your lucky if I wasn't there angel would of died"
*angel* "and once a again I had to stop alastor from throwing you across the world!"
*molly* "awwwwww come on angel!"
*angel* "NO! now go away!"
*molly* "fine"
*shiggy* "ok toga show them to there rooms alastor and angel you don't mind sharing a room?"
*alastor* "no we don't mind"
*shiggy" ok cool sorry we're just running out of rooms"
*angel* "that's fine" then toga showed angel and alastor plus a sleeping eri in angels arm to there room after about a month the happy hotel got really popular there we're a lot of people interested in getting rehabilitated and of course angel molly and alastor visit charlie husk nifty and vaggie but they don't stay for long because the pros and 3a are after them (i relized that there not 1A anymore there 3a 🥲 because they story takes place two years later soooo we won't talk about it but anyways this is the end of this book I might make a part two if you the people who are reading this want me to and if you do have any suggestions comment them on this chapter and I'll see if I can put them in if I do make a book two but for now bye my girl gays and theys or any boy who reads this but come on I know it'll mostly by the girl gays and theys reading this book)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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