At the league

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The league were chilling when angel pop up out of nowhere
*shiggy* "AHHH we're the fuck did your come from!"
*angel* "my boyfriend teleported me and my child here" shiggy nods then angel released "OH FUCK I FORGOT FAT NUGGETS!" He pulled out his phone and called alastor then molly popped up
*molly* "izuuuuuu tell your boyfriend not to expose our past crimes and shit in front of pros!"
*angel* "wait all of them or just the ones he knows of?"
*molly* "just the ones but he mentioned the only failed one!"
*dabi* "you goody to shoes committed crimes and only failed one out of how many and witch one?"
*molly* "hmmm out of a hundred or more but we failed to steal the queen of Englands crown!" The lov stood there shocked at what molly said
*angel* "shhhhhh al picked up"
*alastor* "hello mon ange what do you need?"
*angel* "I forgot fat nuggets when you one over can you bring him?"
*alastor* "yes I will how did you forget him have you had any panic attacks!?!"
*angel* "n no"
*alastor* "angel I know your lieing" angel- 'shit' "I'll be over in a sec these pros are such a pane I'm trying not to distroy the hotel while they don't care there trying to fight me"
*angel* "ok see you soon!" As they said bye angel saw eri was asleep in his second pair of arms "awwwww look at eri!" Molly look at eri
*molly* "awwww so cute!"
*toga* "so cute!"
*angel* "AH JESUS we're did you come frost"
*toga* "I was already here silly!"
*angel* "you stay the fuck away from my child!"
*toga* "don't get me wrong but isn't that eraserheads Child?"
*angel* "yes but that dumbass" he points to molly "thought it was a good idea to kidnap her then we gave eri a choice on who would adopt her and she chose me"
*molly* "I may be a dumb ass but I'm not a drug addict or acholic!"
*dabi* "wait wha-" then angel cut him off
*angel* "oh I'm sorry at least I didn't fail to be a cashier at a fucking corner store!"
*molly* "at least I haven't tryed to kill my self at least ten times a year when middle school started"
*angel* "oh were going that low are we! At least I haven't tryed to date a rich fuck.
*angel* "at least I wasn't a pron star!"
*molly* "at least I had the guts to leave pops!"
*molly* "at least I never forgave someone who bullied me all my life and told me to take a swan dive of the roof of the building!"
*shiggy* "are we gonna ignore this" he point to the two twins fighting "and what did she say About the bullying and being told to kill him self!"
*alastor* "we will have to they won't stop until one of them starts crying" he was holding fat nuggets "and yes angel was told to take a swan dive off the roof by bukugo"
*alastor* "oh when they started but I could not be bothered stoping another fight" alastor sighs "they fight so much but often over big things" then molly started crying "and it looks like angel won" he walked over to angel and molly "molly dear that's another loss!"
*molly* "I know that's makes it worse!" She said though sobs
*alastor* "ok if I'm calculating this correctlythat means angel it on win 4,019 and molly your on 1 win!"
*molly* -hmpf- "I won all the fights in our childhood"

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