Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

My name is Megan Woods. or so I thought. You see, last week my "dad" told me to go and grab some money from his drawer in his room, so I could go out with my friend Jenny. But... I saw something I probably shouldn't have seen... my birth certificate...


"Dad, can I have some money, I'm going out with Jenny?" I was practically begging him. I probably looked pathetic, but what are you going to do?

"Sure Sweetie! There should be some in the top drawer in my dresser," he replied willingly.

I yelled "Thank you!" While running upstairs after kissing his cheek.

I walked into his room, "Wait, he said bottom drawer, I think.. eh whatever." I opened the bottom drawer and started looking under his shirts.

"Ugh where does this man keep his money? Wait, what's that?" I felt a piece of paper at the bottom of the drawer. "What on earth?"

I picked up the piece of paper and realized it to be a birth certificate. I thought it might have been mine, but then I saw the name. "Megan Dallas." I mean, my name is Megan, but my last name is surely not Dallas.. it's Woods, right?

I shook off the feeling and continued identifying it. Wait. This person has my birthday, and my name? This has got to be a mistake, right? But why would my dad have someone else's birth certificate? There is no father listed, but a woman named Gina is listed as the mother. "Wait, what time were they born? Because I know I was born around midnight." And then, I saw it. "Born at 12:01 AM, September 8, 1994."

No, this, this can't be. I need to call the hall of records and see how many Megan's were born on September 8th, 1994. If there were more than one, I would know that this is not me.

*Ring, Ring*

After about two rings the phone was answered. "Hello, Chino Hills Hall of Records, how may I help you?"

"Yes, hi, I was wondering if you could tell me if on September 8th, 1994 there were any babies born in Chino Hills Hospital with the name Megan?" Please say there is only one!

"Ah yes, there was a baby Megan born that day. But only one," she replied after a couple of minutes.

"Would you mind telling me the last name please?" Please be Woods, please be Woo-.

"Megan's last name, is Dallas." I was speechless. how is that possible?

I can't be Megan Dallas... can I? No, Megan stop thinking like that! You are Megan Woods! The voices in my head are fighting World War III. I don't know what to think anymore.

"Hello? Miss? Are you still there?" I heard a voice and I realized that I was still on the phone with the hospital.

"Oh, yes, sorry I am still here. I zoned out for a minute there. Thank you so much for your help."

"Anytime Miss, that's my job. Well have a good day Miss!" We exchanged our goodbyes and hung up the phone.

Wow. Just wow. I really hope I am dreaming because this is a lot to take in. I know I was born in Chino Hills Hospital. I know my birthday is September 8th, 1994. and I know that I was born around midnight.

What I don't know is who my mom is. And right now, I'm not even sure if my dad is who he says he is.

If what it seems like is true, I don't know what I'm going to do.

*End Of Flashback*


So this is my first book that I'm actually serious about! Please don't hate, I'm new to the whole writing thing so sorry if it's a piece of crap! I love you all!


Found Again Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora