Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

*End Of Flashback*

So after I found my birth certificate, I decided to Google search, "Megan Dallas." After I did so, a news article popped up with the title, "Child Kidnapped on Christmas Eve." I hesitantly clicked on the page, and found some... interesting things.

The article stated, "Three month old baby, Megan Dallas, was kidnapped late on Christmas Eve. It was reported that mother, Gina Dallas, went to grab her baby from her room and Megan was no where to be seen." Please tell me this isn't what I think it is.

I decided to look farther into it, and hacked the government's system and found some security camera footage. I found a video of a figure, dressed in black head-to-toe, coming out of Gina's home, carrying something in it's hands. I tried my best to brighten the video but all I could see was a blanket, covering what I am assuming is me. And that is John, which means, my whole life has been a lie? And I have been living with my kidnapper for over nineteen years... that sick monster! Who in the right mind would put somebody through that?!

I have finally come to the conclusion, after hours of researching, that I am Megan Dallas, no I am not happy about finding out I've been living in a lie, but there is nothing I can do. Tomorrow is when I'm going to, "turn myself in."

So my plan is, tomorrow morning is when I am getting out of here. I have already transferred some of John's money into my account. And I have my bag packed. I am leaving when I know he will be fast asleep. Which my best bet, is around four in the morning.

Right now, it's around midnight, and John just got home. Completely hammered, as usual. So as soon as he passes out, I'll be good to go. He doesn't even deserve to be called Dad anymore, he's lucky I'm calling him John and not something worse.

*Skip Forward Three Hours*

Okay, he has been asleep for three hours now, so there is no way he will be getting up anytime soon. In the three hours he has been asleep, I decided to write a note, telling him that I knew the truth and that I never wanted to see him again. The note read..

Dear John,

I have just found out that when I was a little girl, you kidnapped me from my family. I wanted to let you know that I never want to see you again! You disgust me to no end! How could you just take a child away from her family?! Away from her mother?! You are a sick human being and I hope you rot in prison where you belong! I hope you feel disgusted in yourself. By the time you are reading this, I would have already gone to the police, and will be with my family. And the cops should be arriving right about now, so I will leave you to get arrested, while I live my life. Goodbye forever John!

~Megan Dallas

I stuck the note on the fridge so he would see it when he woke up. I just want to get out of here forever. I just need to creep down these stairs and get out that door. So here goes nothing. I slowly made my way down stairs and now I am at the door.

Say goodbye to Megan Woods, because Megan Dallas is back!

To the police station we go!

I know this is a really short chapter! I'm sorry but just because of that you get three updates today instead of two! Sorry Everyone! I love you all!

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