Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:


*Getting the Test Results*

Dr. Holcombe was holding the envelope that had all the answers. He was about to open it, when he looked at me as if asking for permission. I nodded my head in approval. I watched as he slipped the results out of the envelope.

Dr. Holcombe turned his head towards me and gave me the news.

End of Recap

"Well Miss. Dallas would you like to meet your real family?" All I could manage to do was nod my head, as tears ran down my face and soft whimpers came out of my mouth.

I jumped out of the chair and flung my arms around Dr. Holcombe's neck. I whispered in his ear, "Thank you. For everything."

He looked at me and smiled and he whispered back, "No problem Kiddo."

After minutes of hugging, he walked out of the room to call my mother, and me, being the nosey person I am, decides to eavesdrop. "Hello, Gina? We've found her. We've found your baby girl."

Half an hour has passed and my mother should be arriving here any minute now. It feels so weird saying that. Mother

I've been trying to distract myself for thirty minutes. Taking in the room. The walls were a very pale cream color. There wasn't much in the room actually. Just the bed, two chairs that look very uncomfortable, a sink with all the doctor stuff in a cabinet, and a table with fake flowers in a vase. Probably in case the patient is allergic to pollen.

I've been trying to figure out what I'm going to say to my mom when I meet her. To them even. Oh no. I can't do this. This is too much pressure. What if they hate me? What if they don't like me? What if-" My panicking was cut off by a simple knock on the door. I let out a soft and simple, "Come In."

The door opened slowly, which revealed Dr. Holcombe standing there with a happy smile on his face. He took two steps forward and one to the right, leaving the doorway open. Where a beautiful forty odd year old women stood, with tears forming in her eyes. She looked at me, while I looked at her. I could see the resemblance. I had her brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. I was basically a younger version of her.

We must have been staring at each other for a solid ten minutes, when she croaked out a soft and sweet, "Megan."

I just stood dumbfounded, and let out a soft, "Mom."

She was slowly making her way towards me, when she quickened her pace and flung her arms around my neck. I was shocked at first, but recovered quickly as I hugged her back. Soft muffled sobs could be heard throughout the hospital room for minutes on end.

We stood, enjoying each other's embrace when a soft, deep voice came from behind me, questioning, "Mom?"


I know this is short I just wanted another cliffhanger!! Sorry everyone, I'm updating the next chapter right after I post this, so look forward to reading it!
I love you all!

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