Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

*At the Police Station*

I was aimlessly walking around the police station trying to get rid of my nerves. I took this time to take in the station. It was very dark, with minimal dim lighting. The lighting made it so ominous, it was kind of frightening.

"Hello Miss, how may I help you?" I turned around and realized that the officer was talking to me.

"Oh yes, hello I would like to report a found, missing person." Jesus I have never been so nervous in my life.

"That is fantastic news! Who are you looking to report?"

"Megan Dallas."

"Megan Dallas. My, she has been missing for over nineteen years. And may I ask where Miss. Dallas is?" The officer, who I found out, name is Scott asked. While looking at me like I was crazy.

Well here goes nothing. "I am, Megan Dallas." He is never going to believe me. God why did I think this was a good idea? Ugh he probably thinks I'm off my rocker.

As soon as those words left my mouth, his eyes bulged out of his head. Then a smirk creped on his face. "And do you have any proof of this, Miss Dallas?" he asked me smugly.

"Yes, I do thank you very much." I placed the folder of documents I had discovered on his desk. He picked them up and started flicking through the papers. And his eyes bulged out of his head making him look like a puffer fish, yet again.

"Wh-where d-did you get t-these?" he stuttered. He looked absolutely gob smacked.

"In my 'dad's' home, hidden away. Where I am guessing he has been hiding them for nineteen years. And my guess is that my 'dad' is not my dad and is actually my kidnapper. Who kidnapped me on Christmas Eve 1994, while I was roughly three months old? Am I missing anything?" He was staring at me, as if he didn't know what to say, nor do. And my guess is, he didn't. And the truth is, neither did I...

We both stood there in silence until he finally spoke up. "Well, Miss. Dallas. I suppose we should go take that DNA test then shouldn't we?" I nodded my head and we were off to the hospital.

*Getting the Test Results*

Dr. Holcombe was holding the envelope that had all the answers. He was about to open it, when he looked at me as if asking for permission. I nodded my head in approval. I watched as he slipped the results out of the envelope.

Dr. Holcombe turned his head towards me and gave me the news.

CLIFFHANGER!! Sorry I had to, don't worry you will find out next chapter! Leave you comments on what you think the results are!
Is she a Dallas?
Is she a Woods?
Who knows? oh wait I do!
I will update soon I promise!
I love you all!

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