Chapter 3: My Worst Birthday

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(Nolan's point of view)

The whole day in school I was trying to explain to Sarah but she wouldn't talk to me. Today is also my birthday, February 25. This is my worst birthday ever. I wanted to ask Sarah out and go to the movies to ask her if she wanted to be my girlfriend, mission failed. The rest of the day, I wore a sad face, also to my birthday royal dinner, birthday party, eating cake, and taking picture. My birthday just passed like that a sad and boring birthday passed, even without your crush with you.

(Nathan's point of view)

I went to class and passed Nolan, he was gray and sad, I smiled, grinned and smirked whenever he cried. He was daydreaming but, I didn't really care because I had a chance and it is my turn to be liked by Sarah. When I rushed out the school, I felt bad to be laughing about Nolan, I asked him if he wanted a ride on my fabulous car. He just walked away, I felt furious and threw a can on him. I ran around the school to find Sarah but I didn't see her on the high school 10th grade floor. I ran around the corner to see Nolan kissing Sarah, I was furious, I marched back to my car.  I told the driver to drive fast to my home and realized there was traffic.  I got off the car and looked that Nolan was walking slowly in the middle of the road. I drove slowly back home and slept all day and I did not bother to celebrate Nolan's birthday even if mom said "Nathan, there is cake come down." The day just passed like that.

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