-Chapter 5- A misunderstanding

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I gulped hard, my palms beginning to sweat "I-I'm sorry my lady?" I croaked in fear "You heard, draga, get here now!" Alcina's rich voice growled through her throat "Y-yes my lady" Alcina turned on her heels and began walking to her chambers, her cream dress flowing like a cape in the wind. "M-my lady-" I began "Not another word" she ducked through the doorframe, her ass being obvious for a moment before she straightened herself up.

Her long black, wide brimmed hat was slid off of her head and onto the vanity mirror "Darling, I have something I would like to discuss with you" Alcina began, sitting down on the plush, springy mattress "Come pet, sit" She patted her lap as i followed her in, a thick wave of perfume and alcohol filled my nose suddenly "Mmph" I chuckled, then suddenly stopping in my tracks "W-wait your patting your lap- but I-" I began "Sit!" Alcina ordered, her voice filled with a sudden fury "Sorry, please come to mommy- I mean your mistress" Lady dimitrescu fixed her sentence holding out her arms, as I followed her.

Her long embracing arms pulled me into a tight close hug, the thick scent of her rich, intoxicating perfume filled my nostrils "M-my lady, I-" I began coughing again, my throat feeling as though it was connected to a coal mine "M-my lady" I spluttered suddenly as she pulled Away "Oh my dear, sweet little dove" she cooed, her long silky arms cradling me "You poor little thing" she sighed, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, her lips were as soft as silk sheets against my skin, golden, honeyed embers glowing in the dim candlelight " Your not getting any better are you?" Alcina sighed, her loving side fading slightly with hopelessness.
"I wanted to ask- well propose a deal" she began, trying to seem full of life "Ince you recover from your sickness, how would you like to be my chambermaid? You'll be catered for of course and the pays good! You'll get non stop protection and a roof over your head , as well as warmth and food" she smiled warmly.

I smiled, and opened my mouth to speak , a sudden wave of nausea washing over me and before I could reach the bin I puked all over alcinas dress
"I- ah oh my god I am so sorry my lady! I couldn't"
Alcina placed a finger to my lips "it's okay it need washing anyway don't worry sweetheart" she kissed my forehead with a purr

Moments later, Alcina now had me laying in her bed, a cold compress laced over my forehead and a silver spoon which was gently pushed into my mouth "Oh my little lamb" Alcina teared up, her voice breaking "I hope you get better" her honey voice now almost as frail as glass "Here have some water" She sat me up straighter, handing me the glass in my shaky, weak hands.
"Th-thank you" I coughed, almost choking on air "Poor thing" she muttered pressing her lips on my cheek.

"Doll?" She asked, she had noticed that I was slipping into a sleepy state, before any accidents happened she took the glass from my hands "Im going to nip out for 5 minutes, I won't be long and anything you need just ring the bell or ask for dimitrescu" She got up almost hesitantly looking back at me as she got to her chamber door "I'll be as fast as I can sweetheart, I love you~" she whispered the last part before opening the door, then closing it when she got to the other side.

"Oh pet~" She couldn't restrain herself any longer, salty tears filled her eyes "It's not fair" she cried, tears dripping onto her hand which was now over her mouth to muffle her sobs. Sliding down the wall beside her chambers, she could feel her heart breaking, shattering like fine china.
Thankfully, Miranda has come over to pay a surprise visit, strutting down the halls in all her glory but when she noticed alcina sobbing on the floor her smile immediately dropped "Alcina! Honey" she ran over kneeling by the larger woman "Im sorry mother- I know you hate to see me weak and vulnerable, I'm sorry I don't wish to burden you with my woes" Alcina sobbed, trying hard to hide it, Miranda, not fooled, helped the bawling woman up into her feet "Come one Alci, let's talk about it in your office" she sternly, although mother miranda was a dominant and strict woman she still had a heart, and seeing her daughter sobbing did pull at her motherly nature.

Once inside Alcinas office, Miranda sat Alcina down on the chair shutting the door and sitting down herself "Now, what's got you babbling and crying? Hm?" She sat upright in her chair with her hands clasped together "I-I.." Alcina took a deep breath before continuing, her voice shaky "It's Janet mother..She's not getting any better...I'm frightened she might die" Mother miranda raised her eyebrow "Oh? And why do you care?" She questioned "Because....I love her" she confessed, Miranda nodded "thats all I wanted to hear, I think I may have something to help her"
"I must warn you the after affects aren't quite happy and dandy but what is these days?" She joked, Alcina shot her a teary eyed look "Thank you mother"
"I'll bring it over shortly, just need to sort a few things out first"
Alcina nodded before standing, pulling Miranda into a hug "Thank You mother!" She squealed, almost crushing the poor bird woman "Your quite welcome Alci"

Miranda stood from the desk and began to head towards her laboratory "I owe you one" Alcina whispered watching miranda walk away, She wandered back into her chambers "Sweetheart~" Alcina cooed shutting the door quietly "Oh your so cute when your asleep" she whispered planting another kiss on my head before sitting at her vanity scribbling out a few more words and notes glancing back every now and then with a soft smile, bouncing her thigh as she scrawled.
She glanced over, noticing I was cuddling her pillow "Oh love~" She put down her pen wandering over getting in next to me, once again wrapping her arms around me "How would like for me to wash your hair for you?" She purred noticing me roll over onto my other side so I'm snuggling into her chest "Oh draga~" tears filled her eyes again.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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