The Beginning

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Graser's POV
We have three new members of The Cube. Parker Games, Stacy Plays, and Heyimbee. I choose them because Stacy has great ideas for The Cube, Parker because he is so funny, but lastly Bee. I have a crush on Bee. Bee is so cute sweet and nice. I could go on forever. I played with her a few times on SG with Straub. I couldn't bear not having her on The Cube with me. So when she decided to apply for The Cube I was so happy. Some people think Stacy and I have a thing. No we don't we're just friends I swear. I can't wait to meet her soon, but for now ill have to flirt and drop a few pickup lines.
Bee's POV
Omg Graser put me in The Cube!!!! I'm so excited to film. I can't wait!!! Eeeek!!! One of the reasons I wanted to bee on The Cube is because of Graser. I have a crush on Graser. Graser is so funny. Cfdyhfgjjf!!!!!!

Season 2 of The Cube.
Graser's POV
"Hey Bee are you honey because your pretty sweet!!!" "What the heck Graser?" "I just said your sweet" "That was the worst pickup line ever" "Well you must bee a rose because your pretty thorny" "What the heck??" "Sorry not everyone can be as swaggy as G10!!" "I'm done Graser." "What the fudge bro??" "Whaaaattt" "Wwwhhhhaaat??? Oeeeoooee" "Shut the fudge up" "what" "omg" "bye" "sorry" "what" "for being rude about your pickup line" "whatever bee you make my world spin" "what" "I...I love you Bee" "...." "Bee?" "Umm" "I just said I love you and you are going umm?" "Oh sorry I was kind of shocked" "how?" "Well Graser...I love you to!" "Oh my gosh bee?" "Yes" "will you go out with me??" "Of course!!!"

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