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Straub's POV
Bee has been gone for a while I miss her. I think its been eight months since she told me she was pregnant. I still can't believe she had sex with Graser.

Bee's POV
"Oww" I screamed. "Bee!! Are you ok." "I don't know" I screamed again "No I'm not ok." "Oh my gosh we need to get you to the hospital!!" I felt stabbing pains. "Why do babies kick so fricken hard!!" "Bee it's ok we are almost there" We walked to the desk and Graser said. "My girlfriend is having a baby!" They rushed me to a room. Then they were telling me to push. I was screaming the whole time. Everyone was trying to calm me down. It wasn't helping at all. Then a girl popped out. I was breathing heavily. Then I calmed down. "Oh my gosh!! She is beautiful!!" Graser and I screamed. We were both crying. When the nurses left we started talking. "Ohmygosh this is so awesome." "I know!" "It's both our faults. We both agreed to have sex" "I wouldn't have done it any other way Bee!" "Oh are you saying we should have sex again?" "Maybe" a nurse walked in. "Well you to better not have sex for a while what do you want to name her." "Ashley." We said at the same time. "Wow we didn't even have to discuss it." We kissed for a long time.
"I love you Graser." "I've loved you since we first met." We kissed again

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