Together Again

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Bee's POV
"Straub" "What do you want?" "I'm going to go visit Graser." "Whatever." "And also." "What" ''I'm pregnant" "Go live with Graser." "Ok?" "I don't want to live with someone whos pregnant with someone else's baby" "I understand that" "Ok are you going to move to Canada?" "I don't know but I still want you to be my best friend. Can you just please bee happy for me?" "I'm sorry Bee. For all the sadness or whatever I caused I was jelous I'm sorry" "Can we bee best friends again?" "Yes" We hugged. "Bye Bee." "Bye Straub" Then I left.
"Oh my gosh Graser" I ran up to him hugged him and kissed him. "Bee!" "I'm so happy your ok!!" "I am too"
"What are we going to do? Straub thinks we should move in together but where? Oh Straub and I made up btw. "Calm down Bee its ok" "ok" "For now you can move in with me until we figure something out." "Ok"
Dul: Hey Bee!
Bee:Hey! I need to tell you something.
Bee:When we were at the beach cabin we had sex. And now I'm pregnant
Bee:yes its crazy
Dul:Oh my gosh.
Bee: :,)
Dul: I'm soo happy for you. ;)
Bee:I'm just scared.
Dul:I know Bee.
Bee:I got to go
Dul:ok bye
Now we are moved in together. I guess its less stressful now. I'm still pregnant though.

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