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What happened to me? What happened to my brother? Collin.

Bee's POV
"Graser!! Graser??" "Bee!! Are you ok??" "I'm fine. What happened?" "You ran over something and you fell. Someone saw what happened grabbed your phone and called me. He also called the hospital. Don't worry your phone is right here. You fell asleep. That was three hours ago. The nurse said you might bee experiencing memory loss." "Oh I remember more now." "What?" "That fall made me remember more. I know more now." "About what?" "My missing brother. Collin." "I'm going to get the nurse." Then Graser left. Graser came back a few minute later with the nurse. "Miss Bee, your boyfriend here. Zach, told me you are remembering past experiences." "Yes." "What about." "My missing brother." "What is his name?" "Collin." "Collin. What was he like?" "He was mentally ill." "What did he do?" "He stabbed me. In the side. 24 stitches. Last time I saw him. He ran into the woods. We searched we didn't find him though."

Graser's POV
Bee sounded scary. Like she was mentally ill. She told us about Collin. Her brother. He was mentally ill. I don't think Bee is mentally ill. The nurse took me outside the room for minute. "Bee is scaring me." "She is traumatized. By what happened." "Do you think she will bee better soon?" "My best guess the only things that will cure her is your love and to figure out what happened to her brother and what was wrong with him.
What happened to Bee. What happened to her brother. Collin.

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