Chapter 5

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    Chapter 5

Black magic plan fails

So basically Tiana thought she destroyed black magic but she didn't and doesn't know what's about to happen. She started a war and doesn't even know it. She puts her family in danger but the voodoo man doesn't even know he has grandkids. He will realize what he is doing is not right and stop it because he still loves Eudora and wants to be in Tiana's life and meet his grandchild and son in law.

The voodoo man is thinking of his plan. He has been practicing voodoo magic and new skills so he can control what Eudora does . That's his plan to kill her. And to show Tiana that what goes around comes around when you mess with him.

What happened after Tiana thought she destroyed the black magic. She went home and spent time with the Kids and Checked up on her mom. She cooked dinner, washed clothes , and cleaned the house. Even though there are people to do it for her she is independent and wants to do everything herself because that's how she was raised. That it's better to do it yourself because you'll feel like accomplishing something.She felt that something was wrong. She checked on her mama and she was about to jump out the window. Eudora was being controlled by the voodoo man. Tiana stopped in time for her to slap out of the transit.

"Mama what was you about to do" said Tiana

"I don't know sweetie I blacked out and when you touched me I slapped out of" said Eudaora

"Mama you have to be careful of what you are doing. I'm putting locks on the window so this problem won't happen again." said Tiana

"There's no need to do that honey cause it won't happen again. I promise I will be more careful." said Eudora

" Mom im still do it because I can't lose you again after Ii almost lost you to cancer." said Tiana

"Okay fine if it means that much to you" said Eudora

Tiana got locks put on the windows and basically baby proofed the castle even though her kids are old enough to know better but for her mom who gave her a reason to do so. After she tried to jump out the window.

"My plan didn't work because of Tiana only if I could get her away from Tiana so my plan could follow through." said the voodoo man

"Will you could always do when it night time and you know Tiana would be sleep" said his friends on the other side

"Hmmmmm"said the voodoo man

"That would be a good idea. I'll think about it." said the voodoo man

The voodoo man thought about the plan.And he decided that he would do it. When night time had processed he got ready to follow through with plan B.

"It's time for my plan" said the voodoo man

" Don't you mean our plan? We are the only reason for you, the plan and your powers." said friends on the other side

"Whatever" said voodoo man

The voodoo man starts the spell to control Eudora. But couldn't do it because his feelings got in the way. He decided that he was done with black magic and wanted out. He told his friends on the other side he was done and they were not happy about it. So they did some horrible things that ended him in the hospital. When the doctor asked who he wanted to call he said Tiana.

30 minutes when Tiana gets there and she brings her mom along. When they arrived

"Omg dad what happened" said Tiana

" I know you know I did black magic but I don't anymore. I still love you Eudora and I want to make things right with you guys for all my past mistakes and I want you to know that I'm truly sorry . I want to be in your life if you will allow me Tiana. I hope you can forgive me for what I have done. And as you can see kama has caught up to me." said the voodoo man

"I forgive you. I'm glad that you have come to your senses.I would love for you to be in my life again." said Tiana

" I never stopped loving you. But even after everything you did I forgive you.Everybody makes mistakes in life." said Eudora

They forgive each other and all have a good relationship now. Tiana and Eudora visit the voodoo man everyday until he gets better and moves into Eudora house while she is staying with Tiana. Eudora and the voodoo man are working out their issues and becoming closer by the second. The voodoo man met his grand-kids and his son-in-law. They spend time with each other every Friday for family fun nights.

And planned to have a big feast on thanksgiving they were going to invite the whole town. Tiana also sent an invitation to Charlotte and her husband. She really wanted to meet King Johnny and Prince Charles.They made the invitation and sent it out to everyone.They thought about what they were going to have and listed.

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