Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The aftermath of the thanksgiving

The morning after the thanksgiving feast was bad the whole castle was dirty and had to be cleaned. Naveen knew that Tiana had been doing a lot so he woke at dawn to get started and called his best friends over to help him clean the castle. They could make it to the dinner they had to go to their grandma's house for Thanksgiving.

"Wsp peeps said Naveen

"Wsp man" said Ryan

" Wsg Naveen" said Jay

"Okay so let's get cleaning i'll start in the living room" said Naveen

" I'll be in the kitchen. I might find some leftover cake in the fridge." said Ryan

"Bro you always hungry, but i'll be in the foyer talking down the decorate" Jay

"Leave me alone Jay" said Ryan

Naveen laughs

"Y'all are to funny for me" Naveen

They cleaned the whole castle before everybody woke up. And they went out to get breakfast for everybody. When they got back Tiana and the kids were in the living room playing.

" Hey honey. Hey kids" said Naveen

"Hey Daddy" said the kids

"Hey baby" said Tiana

"Hey Ryan and Jay" said Tiana

"Hey Tiana" said Ryan

"Hey Tiana" said Jay

"Hey kiddos" said Ryan & Jay

"Hey Ryan & Jay"said the kids

"Y'all cleaned the whole castle I see" said Tiana

"Sure did" said Ryan

"Thank you so much I appreciate y'all so much" said Tiana

"You're very welcome baby" said Naveen

"You're welcome" said Ryan

"You're welcome" said Jay

"We got breakfast for you guys. Is your mom awake yet? Said Naveen

"She should be" said Tiana

" James can you go see if grandma is up" said Tiana

" Okay mommy" said James

"Lets go to the kitchen" said Naveen

"Okay " said Ryan & Jay

" Come on kids lets go eat" said Tiana

When James comes back

"Mommy she said will be down in a minute" said James

"Okay thank you for doing that for me" said Tiana

Tiana kisses him on the forehead

"Your welcome mommy" said James

They started eating shortly after Eudora came down to eat.

"Good morning family" said Eudora

Everybody said good morning

"I can't wait for christmas and to start my first day of school" said James

"Me to" Therdora

"I can't wait for my first day of daycare"

"Y'all are growing up to fast" said Eudora

"They really are" said Tiana

They talk about Christmas and what they are going to do.Ryan and Jay leave.

"Come on kids let's go get a bath" said Tiana

"I'll help you" said Naveen

Tiana picks up the girls and Naveen Picks James and puts him on his back.They go get ready for their day.

Someone called Eudora.

"Hello ma'am are you still come to you doctors appointment today" said the person on the phone

"Yes I will. What time is it again?" said Eudora

"12:30 ma'am" said the person on the phone

"Okay thank you I'll see you soon" said Eudora

Eudora hangs up the phone and takes a deep breath. She checks the time and goes up stairs to get ready.Eudora went to where Tiana was.

"Honey I'm going to the shops I'll be back later" said Eudora

"Okay mom" said Tiana

Eudora goes to her doctor's appointment. Just to find out the cancer was back and it's worse than it was before. And that she only has 2 weeks to live. Eudora was devastated. And didn't know how she was going to tell Tiana.She went to a cafe to clear her mind and gather the words to tell her. She decided to put it in a letter and give it to her and she would tell her not to open it until she died. Eudora goes home.

"Baby where is your mother" said Eudora

"She in the kitchen grandma " said Theodora

Eudora walks to the kitchen

"It smells good in here what you cooking?"said Eudora

"I'm cooking gumbo but with a twist" said Tiana

"I bet it will be yummy" said Eudora

"what did you find at the shops"said Tiana

"Nun but I have something to give you but you can't open it until I'm dead and you have to promise you won't open it until then. Okay" said Eudora

"Mama you scaring me but I promise I won't" said Tiana

"I love you baby." said Eudora

"I love you too" said Tiana

" If you need I'm be with my grandbabies" said Eudora

"Okay mom. Dinner will be done soon" said Tiana

" Oki doki" said Eudora

When dinner was ready. Tiana calls everybody to the dinner room to eat

"This looks good honey" said Naveen

" It sure do my baby can cook" said Eudora

"Thanks y'all "said Tiana

"It looks to good to eat" said James

"Lol come on y'all let's dig in" Tiana

They ate and enjoyed time with one another. Eudora put the kids to sleep. And told Tiana and Naveen goodnight and went to bed.The next morning in the castle. Eudora didn't come out of her room all day. Tiana was worried so she went to check on her. To find out that her mom was dead.Tiana cried and Naveen came to check what was going on and saw Tiana crying.

"What's wrong baby?" said Naveen

"She dead"said Tiana

"I'm call ambulances"said Naveen

"Hurry up please I can't lose her." said Tiana

Naveen calls the ambulances and calls Ryan and Jay to watch the kids

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