Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Where are they now

After some time Tiana came to peace with her mother's death. She worked at the restaurant until she was 65 years old.She wrote a book about her life and the struggles she went though.It became a big hit.

James is 40 years old. Tiana then passed the restaurant down to her oldest child James. Who soon opened millions of Tiana's palaces around the world and it was a success. He got married and has 2 little ones. He is handling the restaurant really well and is getting real busy.

Theodora is 35 years old. Theodora becomes a doctor. She wants to help solve different health issues. She is not married. Has no kids yet. But she just has not found the right one yet. She wants to focus on work and treating the sick and injured.

Natalia is 25 years old. Natalia becomes an artist. She made a lot of famous paintings that hang in museums and Tiana's palaces.Natalia is engaged and has a little one on the way.she enjoys painting and making people's day she sometimes gives free art away to families that have moved into a new home or that are having events.

Naveen and Tiana live in the castle with all 3 of their kids, grand kids, and in -laws live with them.They are still princesses and prince to the throne of New Orleans.They changed the rules of how it can only be one of the kids as queen and king. Naveen is grooming James for the throne and Tiana is grooming Theodora and Natlia to throne.They will role together as siblings. The voodoo man has a shop selling antiques and watches. Tiana and the voodoo man meet every Wednesday at a cafe and talk. Tiana goes to Eudora's grave everyday and tells her what is happening and how everybody is doing. And on Friday she sings to her.

Tiana was finally happy with her life now and was doing what her mom told her to do 30 years ago. She goes on vacation every summer. She does self care everyday. And she stays kind to everybody and has made new friends over the years. That she has grown old with. Until something bad happened. She had lost a lot, her husband left her because he cheated and fell in love with another woman. They got a divcore but still live in the same house.All her life she had to fight! She fought so long until her death day. September 28, 2018. At 17 th street cafe. While on date with her new man. She dies of a heart attack. She died of heart issues.

Before she died she wrote letters to her childerns. They stated as followed.

Dear my only son,

You have made me so proud over the years and I'm grateful for you. Take care of your sister for me. Make peace with your father for what he did. I forgive him.Don't leave things like they are, you are going to regret it when he dies. You and your sister will always be my first love. I love you guys so much. I get to go home now and be with grandma again. I'll tell her you love her. I will be watching over you. And just call me when you need help. I will always be here to help you. And make sure my grandkids know that I lived a good life but it was my time to go. Always stay brave. Love mama

Dear my smart girl,

I'm proud of what you have become.I know you wanted to save me but i believe it was my time to go. I will be able to be reunited with Grandma. I get to go home to glory. Be strong for me. That's what part of being a doctor is, you lose some and gain some. You can't save everybody but I know you are going to try. That's what I like about you. You are a hard worker and never gives up even as many times you fall on your butt you get right back up and try again. Don't never give up on your dreams or what you believe in.I love you so much. Help your brother make peace with your dad. I don't want them to be on bad terms. Love mama

Dear my baby,

I'm proud of what you have made for yourself. And hope you continue to make art and make people's day. And be you. Your smile lights up the room and can make any one smile. I want you to continue to be my bright little angel and always kind to people even if they're not kind to you. Don't forget to finish the painting of grandma. I would like it at my funeral . I would also like for some of your art to be at my funeral. Continue doing great. I'm always here for you and your siblings. Love mama.

Dear Children,

Therodora knew about my sickness. I didn't want you guys to worry so I told to keep it a secret. Don't be mad at her, it wasn't her fault she was doing what I asked.I love you guys and always will. Be strong for me, we will see each other soon. I promise. Love mama

P.s Here's my Funeral plans:

I would like Natalia to paint my picture. I want peace lilies just like grandma had at her funeral.I hope i'm not asking for to much

The lawyer gave the kids the letters and told them their inheritance. James gets Eudora's house for him and his family. Therodora and Natalia get her house so they can live together. They each got a million dollars for emergencies or when they are in need of cash. Both homes were paid off.

The end

Their are a lot of stories about Tiana but this is moines I hope you liked it. 

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