Part 1

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"Izzy! Wake up! Why the hell are you still sleeping!?" I heard a very familiar voice call out to me from my window.

I was too lazy to open my eyes so I rolled over and groaned.

"Go away!" I yelled.

The person banged on the window and screamed extremely loud.

"What are you doing!!?" I yelled, now frustrated and sat up to stare at the window angrily.

"Get. Up!. We don't have time for your laziness today. We do not! You know we have an interview and you want to sleep in and waste time! Get your butt out here now!" She yelled.

I now realized who it was and I panicked.

My best friend Emily.

We both have an interview at the same company today and I'm late.

I looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand and I felt sick to my stomach.

I'm 2 hours late and I still haven't gotten ready.

"Oh my-can we just not go? Do you know how many stares were going to get if they even let us in?" I said through the window.

She sighed and came closer.

"Do we really need to be talking about this through the window or are you going to let me in?" She said.

I rushed to the front door and unlocked it.

"It's open" I said low enough for just her to hear.

I heard her footsteps walking in the leaves and I rushed to go find my outfit for today and hurried into the bathroom.

I got undressed and turned on the shower as I heard the front door open and close.

"Wait for me there! I'll be out soon just give me a few minutes!" I called.

I heard her knock on the door twice,which means okay. Since she knows I won't be able to hear her from in here with the water going.


Once I was done getting ready I walked out of the bathroom quickly and threw my clothes on the bed,grabbing my bag and running out of my room and to the front door.

Emily was already behind me as she closed and locked the door behind her and I got into my car starting it up.

This is going to be a long day.


We couldn't find any parking spaces in front of the buildinso I had to park across the street at a bakery and we got out.

Emily ran in front of me and we would have gotten hit by a car if a woman in bright yellow didn't come out and put her hands up.

"You're late" she said harshly.

The way she sounded angrier than I had expected sent chills up my spine and I wanted to turn back and run to my car.

Emily grabbed my arm and we followed the lady towards the building.

"I will not be accepting this type of behavior do you both understand? This is not something to play around with like Highschool children. If you're going to work here you need to be on time and take it completely seriously or you will be fired!" She said.

"Y-yes ma'am" we said.

She took us into the building and to the right where there were 6 elevators.

We waited for it to come back down and got on.

The lady seemed like she was more angry than a raging bull and I tried to keep my thoughts to myself.

The elevator stopped and we walked straight in front of us into a big room with many many windows.

She sat down at a table and so did Emily.

I was confused and didn't know what to do so I was just about to sit next to Emily when someone grabbed my arm.

I spun around and was about to curse them out until I noticed who it was.

My boss.

"Sorry sir..I-"

He smirked and walked closer to me.

My heart pounded in my chest and I accidentally dropped my bag and papers.

Oh no.

My Boss's PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now