Part 4

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As I parked in front of my house,I noticed a basket of some sort sitting on my stairs,and I hoped it wasn't from who I thought it was.

Emily saw it too and slowly turned to me with a huge smile.

"No. Don't say it. Do not" I said,opening my car door and rushing out to it before she could.

She got out too and was right behind me when I reached the door.

I went all around the basket before picking it up,just to be safe.

Emily was being impatient and picked it up.

"Hey! You don't know-"

"Neighbors" she said.

I looked behind her and noticed some of the really nosy neighbors were really outside "watering the grass" and watching us.

I never understood why they did that if the grass they have is fake but I have better things to worry about.

I quickly unlocked the door and we walked inside,closing the door fast before they could see inside.

She set the basket on the floor and we both turned on our flash lights and walked around the basket making sure nothing was wrong before opening it.

It was a beautiful maroon with black and white ribbons around it and a big red bow.

We opened it and I gasped.

We saw perfume,lotion,creams,shampoo and..lingerie?.

I laughed so hard I fell on my back while Emily tried not to let her laughter out.

" too much. I-" I couldn't contain my laughter and rolled to my side holding my stomach.

"Wow. Who..could this possibly be from?" She asked.

I stopped laughing instantly and thought for a second.

There was a note on the top and I picked it up to read it,then I bursted out laughing again before I could see what it said.

I had a pretty good idea of who sent it,but I just didn't know why exactly he would leave it outside of my house instead of just giving it to me.

It took me a few seconds to finally stop laughing and I say up to read the message.

Accept I did it too fast and my head hurt bad.

I dropped the note and held my head then accidentally looked into the basket again and tried my best not to laugh.

My head stopped hurting and as Emily was going through the basket and taking the things out,I read the note.

'For my beautiful princess. A night to remember and a romantic dinner. I will pick you up at 8. Be prepared for anything'.

"Oh wow" I said.

I didn't expect that,but I really wasn't planning on going out tonight.

Good thing he doesn't have my number. Even if I'm not really sleeping by the time 8 comes around,I can pretend to be in case he somehow gets my number.

He's very sweet and really handsome but I don't know about this.

Something's just making me feel like I shouldn't get too close to him too soon,and I do a pretty good job at pretending not to like someone.

"Well have fun. I'm going home to go out tonight" Emily said,getting up.

"No. Don't leave me please. What if he really comes? Then I won't have a witness" I said dramatically.

She laughed and put her things down.

"Okay fine. I'll stay the night. But if I hear any type of sexual activities going on you owe me $30" she said.

I blushed and shook my head 'no'.

"That won't happen. Nope" I said.

She smiled and crossed her arms.

"You sure about that?" She asked.

I stood up and walked towards my room to get ready for bed.

"Very sure" I said.

"Ah I'll be $30 closer to my new shoes thank you!" She called after me.

"Ha!" I said,closing my bedroom door and dancing over to my bed.

I really hope I'm right.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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