Part 2

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He smiled and looked down at me.

"So you're the first person ever late to my interviews. Nice to meet you Isabella" he said.

His voice was oh so deep and made my whole body tense up.

I felt an all too familiar feeling in my panties and I cleared my throat to try to make the feeling go away.

"Yes,well...I apologize for that. It won't happen again sir" I said.

He nodded and sat down at the table across from the woman in yellow,who was glaring at me as if I had just committed a crime.

I shrugged it off and sat down next to Emily and as more people started to come into the room,I felt his eyes still on me the whole time.


Once the meeting was done,my boss slid 2 folders across the table to Emily and I and we opened them.

They were files of our job..

"But we didn't do the inter-"

"You don't have to. I see something in you both that I know will be very useful to me and to my company. Unless of course you don't want the job?" He said.

We both shook our heads 'no' and he smiled.

"Well then it's settled. You will both come in tomorrow at 9:00 AM sharp. And don't be late ever again. Do you both understand that clearly?" He said.

We nodded and I spoke.

"Yes sir. But,what if my car breaks down and we don't have a choice but to get another ride? That will take time and if we walk it will take even longer" I said.

He sat back in his chair and started at me.

I felt my body sink back into the chair out of embarrassment yet again,then he smiled.

"I can take care of that" he said.

I was confused but I nodded and we walked out.

"Oh,but before you leave. Madison why don't you show Emily where her office will be and I will show Isabella where her's is" he said.

The woman in yellow nodded and started walking,with Emily following right behind her.

I looked at my boss and he nodded towards the elevators.

We walked towards the doors and he clicked the button.

He stepped back and put his hands in his pocket and I slowly looked up at him.

He was looking down at me already,which made me look away instantly.

The elevator came down and he walked in.

I was next and I tried to make sure there was enough space between us,unfortunately that didn't work.

He walked closer to me and grabbed my left arm and turned me around to face him.

My heart beat sped up as he put his arms around my back to pull me closer to him.

I stared at him for what seemed like forever,until I noticed there were other people in the elevator.

I quickly moved from him and looked down at my shoes,really embarrassed and wanting to just go home and hide.

We moved back into the corner to let everyone in and I kept my eyes down.

No no no no no. Not on my first day. This cannot get any worse.

The elevator started to go up and my boss "lost his balance" and pressed his body against mine,which was already pushed onto the wall.

I tilted my head up and looked at him angrily.

"Why do you keep doing this? Can you stop. This is very inappropriate" I whispered.

He started at me blankly then smirked,finally deciding to move his body from mine and standing next to me.


My Boss's PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now