Part 3

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The elevator stopped and everyone else walked out first then we did.

I felt like I may have been a bit too harsh on him but I don't like to feel uncomfortable.

It's not like I don't want him to do it because I really really do,but I can't just do that in public on the first day.

We met twice before this at a bar,the first time just because Emily knows his family and grew up with him,and the second time for him to invite us to join his company.

And I still can't believe after he did that,I was late.

We walked around and he showed me my room and desk,which was surprisingly comfy.

I sat down in the chair just to get a feel of how it would be in the morning.

I didn't like how it sank in on the seat part and smelled fully.

I tried to hold in my barf as I got up and dusted myself off.

"Who was the last person to sit in that?" I asked him.

He laughed and I could see a few of the other employees staring in here.

"It was someone who wasn't very..pleasant. The day I fired her for tampering with the files she decided to pee in the seat. I guess I should have said that before,I'm sorry" he said.

I noticed the way he had his head tilted to the side,with one finger on his bottom lip and I tried not to look.

I moved away and looked around the room to see where I would put my things.

"Oh alright. But I,of course will have to get a brand new seat. So is there any rules about not parking in front of the building or anything else I should know about?" I said.

He started into the hallway for a few seconds then turned to me.

"No. Not for you." He said.

My eyes widened and I looked away blushing.

Why does he do this to me?

He came closer and pushed some hair away from my face,as I stood there not wanting him to stop,but also very aware of the many many eyes on us from outside.

"People are watching us. Isn't this going to be a problem?" I whispered.

He smiled and came even closer.

"I don't care. This is my company. Not theirs. I always work hard for what I have and I'll make sure you get whatever you need princess" he said.

My knees almost gave out and I stumbled a bit,holding onto the table for support.

He stepped back some and examined my body from head to toe.

I felt like something was wrong and I crossed my legs slightly.

"What? Is this bad? I can change and tomorrow be in something better-"

"No. It's beautiful. You're beautiful" he said.

Now..I give up.

I moved to the other side of the table and moved the chair to the door,to remind myself to take it out tomorrow morning.

"Okay well. Shouldn't we be going now? I have a lot to do before tomorrow and I'm sure you have a lot of work to do yourself" I said.

He nodded and we both walked out of the room,me in front and him closing the door behind him.

I knew everyone was staring hard now,but if he didn't care,neither did I.

We walked back to the elevators and I pushed the button.

We got on and this time,there were a lot of other people on it first.

Yes. He wouldn't dare do anything now.

We got on and stood in front of everyone else.

I knew he wouldn't try to do anything now,especially since these were people who looked much older than him.

Thank goodness he really didn't,and we got off.

He walked me to my car,where Madison and Emily were already waiting and talking.

We walked over to them as I unlocked it and he opened my car door for me.

"Aww how sweet" I said in a teasing tone.

I got in and he closed the door,leaning into the window and yet again very close to me.

"Not as sweet as you" he said smirking.

Oh gosh.

I blushed and tapped the passenger side window for Emily to get in.

She did and I smiled at my boss.

"See you tomorrow boss. Have a great day" I said,staring up the car.

"Call me Dmitriy. And same to you princess" he said winking and walking off.

"Oh yeah. That's happening" Emily said laughing.

I shook my head and drive off.

Tomorrow should be very interesting.

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