Home of Despair

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GD smirk returns as he slowly walks down the isles to find his way back to the expensive limo that he bought just 3 days earlier. T.O.P caries another slave onto his back with a bag over his head. "Toss 'em." GD commands as T.O.P throws the younger male into the limo's already open door. The leader looks inside to see that is prize possession, was covered in scratches and had a swollen lip. GD grabs V.I by the collars of his shirt. "YOU JUST DON'T LISTEN DO YOU!" He yelled, punching the younger ravenette in the jaw. "I SAID I BETTER NOT SEE A SCRATCH ON HIM!"  V.I rolls his eyes and holds his cheek. "Ne, I'm sorry. Now would you stop hitting me?" He whispers to his hyung. GD lets him go. "Fine. Maybe you forgot. Next time, I bet you'll remember." T.O.P looks at his slave. " Out of all of the people, why'd I have to buy you?"  He asked himself.

Kevin looks at the unconscious boy on the limo floor. Something about him looks familiar. His broad shoulders, nice biceps and even his legs, the sandy blonde feels like he's seen them before. The warm June air flutters the bag on his head up a little. The sandy blondes eyes were the size of diner plates. "E-Eli?" he whispers. The young ravenette slave had a swollen lip, black eyes filled with shame and fear and a bloody nose. He opens his bruised eye. Its red, redder than the color of your eyes when you cry all night.

"H-Hey Kevin..." he whispers. Salty tears slip from his eyes, "I... I thought that i'd never see you again... I... I.." "Hey there sweetheart, why are you crying?" Asked GD, pulling the small boys frame onto his lap. Kevin was silent, he didn't want to answer to the person who shamelessly murdered his entire family. More tears fell as he silently sobbed into his cold hands. "Aw~ don't cry love. It'll be alright for now." GD mewed. "H-How?" cried Kevin. He sobbed louder, "How Am I suppose to be alright a-after you KILLED my FAMILY?" The raven leader's face grew deadly. "Now Now Kevin. We don't want to get on Oppa's bad side." The young man raises his eyebrow. "H-How did you know my name?" GD chuckles, "That's not important. Now my dear driver, shall we leave and go back home?" He asked. The limo driver, who was a girl with white hair and orange highlights nods. She puts the keys in the ignition and starts to drive.

The sandy blonde tries to slide off of his captors lap, sighing in the process. "Dearest love, where do you think you're going?" questions the older ravenette leader, pulling Kevin back to the same position. The young male was still silent, not wanting to talk, being afraid of the unknown. "Ne Tabi-oppa, why did you buy the troublemaker?" Sol asked the elder member. "Heh, Actually... He stood out to me. Also, he's kinda hot." He responds, getting "oohs" and "ahhs" from the rest of his dongsaengs. Its been 20 minutes and Kevin hasn't said a word. His eyes has been darting from Eli to GD and his gang the whole time out of fear and sadness. They finally arrive at their "New Home". A huge, black, Victorian mansion with golden gates, and a crying angel water fountain awaited their presents.

"...Wow..." The sandy blonde whispers. "I know right, lovely isn't it?" GD says, putting a cold hand on his shoulder. Kevin shivers, "Well, let's go in... shall we?" the leader asked, escorting the young male out of the limo.

-Srry if it short... Sorry if I took long to upload it..-

_ SongJae Soo~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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