Meeting Uncle Chen

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15 hours later, Kevin's plane lands in Seoul. The sandy blonde is awoken from his slumber my soft taps on his shoulder. His eyes flutter open to see a young woman, little bit older than him with long brown hair, small almond cloudy gray eyes and wearing a Korean flight attendace uniform. "Sir, it's time to wake up. We're here." She whispers to him kindly.

He sits for a second, dumbfounded. "Here? In South Korea? Holy crap!" He whispers. "You look a bit young. Anyway, my name is Gina Choi." She says, putting out a hand. Kevin gladly shakes it. "Kevin. Kevin Woo." He introduces himself. She helps him up from his seat. "I hope that I will see you again, Kevin-ssi." Says Gina, giving him a model-like smile. "M-Me too, well... see you." He slowly walks off of the aircraft and into the airport.

"Baggage Claim....Baggage Claim..." He says to himself. "That way." Kevin turns around to see a young man, around his age with raven hawk style-hair, tight sakura pink lips, small, almond, shaped umber brown eyes and eyebrow piercings. "Uh, thanks~" Kevin whispered akwardly. "Where you from, Kiddo?" Asked the ravenette. "The States why?" the sandy brown responds. The other boys eyes light up. "Holy... you too?" Kevin's face lights up. "Yeah! Where are you from?" He asked the ravenette. "D.C. and you?" "San Francisco." The two boys let out chuckles. "Names Ellison, but call me Eli." He says, sticking out a hand. "Hi Eli. I'm Kevin." He said, shaking Eli's hand.  Kevin scans the crowd of people at the front of the airport. He spots a tall man with dark brown hair, wearing his hairstyle as bangs like he sees on the Kpop music videos, holding a sign that says the name 'Kevin Woo'.

"Well, i have to go. My uncle is here to pick me up. I hope I can see you again." Kevin said, giving Eli a sad smile. "Yeah you will," he gives the sandy blonde a slip of paper with numbers scribbled onto it. "Your phone number? Ok! I'll call you tonight!" Exclaimed Kevin, giving the ravenette a hug. They parted and waved to each other, walking in different directions. Kevin bumped into the tall male that was holding the whiteboard with his name on it. "Yah! Watch where your going kid!" Says the tall fellow, rubbing the younger man's head. "Wait... are you...uncle Chen?" Kevin asked. "Omo.... so you're Kevin. Hi there I'm Jong Dae." He chuckles, rubbing Kevin's hair. "Nice to meet you Uncle Che-" "You don't have to be so formal you know."

"Hey Chen, did you find Kev- OMG~" squealed a young man, with colorful pink hair and eyeliner. "Oh... Kevin, meet Baekhyun, your 'aunt'." He says, making quotations with his fingers. "Beakhyun.... CHOP!" Yells Beakhyun, chopping Jong Dae over the head with a text book.

"OW! WHAT THE HECK HYUNG!!!" Growls Jong Dae, rubbing the spot where Beakhyun hit him. Kevin sighs, "You guys are weirdos." He whispered, hoping that they didn't hear him but sadly the two did. "Weird? Hah, welcome to Asia kiddo. There's people that are 10x weirder than us here." Snorted Beakhyun. "Can we just get in the car now? My arms hurt from holding my bags." Groaned Kevin, giving his relatives a perfect poker face. "Whatever. Let's go home Jong Dae jagi~" cooed the feminine man. The three made their way out of the airport and into a 2014 series Kia soul. Kevin sat in the back with his bags as the two lovers sat in front. "So Binne, if we can call you that, how's school?" Asked Jong Dae, driving into the busy Seoul City intersection. "Great actually, I just graduated high school." He tells his uncle. "Ok cool. Were you top of the class?" Beakhyun asked. "Yeah." The sandy blonde says, staring out of the window. "Smart kid. Right Jongie~" "Yes." Kevin's eyes started to get heavy. He let out a quiet yawn, dozing away. 'Geez, I hope this town isn't as tacky as Beakhyun.' He thinks before his eyes shut close.

(A/N) sorry for the chapter being so short ;_; ran out of ideas. I know Beakhyun and Chen don't go together, sorry for that too. The good part is is that Kevin meets Eli~ that pigeon.

With sugar kisses and candy hugs,

Gizibe_SongJae (Soo SongJae)

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