The child

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A/N: First off! R.I.P to the legendary Brice armstrong. His voice over work as DragonBalls narrator Is and forever will be, ingrained within the childhood of EVERY anime fan, as his talents extended even past the series of Dragonball

That being said, in order to honor him. He'll be the narrator for this story. His narration will be formatted as such....

Example: 《 On the next episode of "the wish" 》

I wish wattpad let you load up both an image AND a video. I'd love to have the "dragonball GT recap theme" as the start of every arc, and still have my images up there....

UNIVERSE TWO - North Galaxy

AGE - 1000

Space.... the final frontier to most, the inky void was fraught with mysteries, yet, unknown. But for a certain organization situated on the planet, Earth, the term "Unknown" only spelled "new opportunities"

A satellite floated above Earth, on said satellite, was a blue logo, marked "B - B" the complex device was currently hard at work as it broadcasted a warning of sorts....

Meanwhile on Earth....

~ Beep Beep ~

~ Beep Beep Beep ~

~ Beep ~

A team of researchers aggressive type away at their computers. Behind them, various engineers and soldiers scramble to their object. Suddenly a siren started blaring....






The intercom stopped and the siren continued to go off, a set of high tech metal doors that lead into the satellite room opened. In walked a well endowed woman in her mid twenties. She was light skinned, had long, midnight black hair that fell to her waist, her eyes were heterochromatic. One was green while the other was blue, on her feet, a pair of heels that matched her eyes.

Her sense of style consisted of a leather tube dress, the top was black while the waist down was blue. She choose to complete her look with a white lab coat, at just a glance, one could see the amount of wear and tear from multiple experiments she'd been apart of, over the years.





One of the male researchers spun around in his chair as he heard the woman's heels descending down the control room steps. Her gaze sent a shiver down his spin and he gulped. Her presence alone demanded respect, she had a naturally powerful and yet sultry voice as she Finally spoke....

????: Details.... now

Research member (RM) : Dr. Azully! ("Azul" means blue in Spanish) -- Ma'am, our satellites are picking up an unknown object projected to make contact within the next twenty minutes or so!

Dr. Azully's eyes widened, she rushed over to her underling and slammed her hands on the desk as she spoke


The researcher nodded profusely as he blushed, Dr. Azully unaware that her bust were basically filling the man's vision. Once he gave her that bit of confirmation, she continued

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