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DR. AZULLY: Thanks again father, I won't forget this, I promise

PARANGO: No need to thank me dear. Me and the little one will have a grand time. I'll even take the boy stargazing with me later this evening

Parango waved at his daughter as he held Y/N. The two watched as Azully sped off on her way to work

Two hours later....

Azully entered her lab and immediately set about giving orders to Tagami

DR. AZULLY: Alright! Let's get this thing started.... Tagami!


(A.I. VOICE): Yes ma'am. Running diagnostics right now

Azully sat at her desk inside her laboratory. An exoskeleton lie on a table nearby. She'd been at this for hours and it was starting to feel hopeless. She looks over at the picture of Tagami who wore a bright smile. She closes her eyes to gather her thoughts before continuing on

(A.I. VOICE): Ma'am, it appears Dr. Hebii has dropped by. Would you like me to allow him access? Or would you prefer I--

DR. AZULLY: Let him in....

The doors to the laboratory opened as the aforementioned doctor made his presence known

DR. HEBII: Ah! Miss Azully. I see you're hard at work. Is you're entry for the android project?

DR. AZULLY: It will be If and or when, I can figure out how to keep the correct sequence of photons and electrons WHILE keeping them in motion.... infinitely

Dr. Hebii would have done a spit take had he not skipped his morning coffee. He walks up to a very much concentrated DR. Azully as she continued working.

DR. HEBII: I'm sorry young lady, but it sounds to me like.... a-are you trying to create an infinite battery?

Dr. Azully smirked slightly and backed away from her desk, once she faced the older man she nodded

DR. AZULLY: Yes, yes I am. Look, if you're here just to try and get a look at the competit--

DR. HEBII: No, not at all. You misunderstand Dr. Azully, I've no interest in running this company. Though I do strive to further my own technological advancements.

The young woman crossed her arms

DR. AZULLY: Is that so? You sure it doesn't have anything to with the resurgence of the Red ribbon army?

Dr. Hebii's eyes widened, giving Azully all the confirmation she needed. She shook her head and sighed before speaking

DR. AZULLY: Relax, I'm not gonna say anything.... unless I have to....

Azully motioned to one of the many cameras around her laboratory. Dr. Hebii sees it and balled his fist for a moment before taking a seat.

DR. HEBII: Just what is it that you want?

Azully gives the old man a look of conviction as she spoke

DR. AZULLY: What I want, is simple. Tell me something hebii, why work for Commandor Kurimson? Why work for an organization such as the Red ribbon at all?

The man anxiously tugged on his pants leg before speaking

DR. HEBII: B-Because they were the only people who accepted my genius, no matter the means in which I hoped to achieve them. And why would they!? Brilliant people such as ourselves only come around once in a blue moon.

Kindred Spirit - [DBS x TWDG] [Clementine x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now