The Red Ribbon

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《 The Red Ribbon army, in universe two started as one half of a whole. While it's leader, Commander Kurimson sought to bolster the company's militaristic presence. 》

Twin boys stood near each other, one with blue hair, the other with red. They faced one another before shaking hands

《 It's sister company, the Blue Bow foundation, was headed by Kurimson's own twin brother, Aoiple, who thought the focus should be more on the betterment of mankind through biological and scientific means. 》

The two twins, now grown up, stare daggers at each other before going there separate ways

《 What once started as a fruitful business venture between brothers soon turned into a story of bitter betrayal on both sides. 》

AGE - 750

The doors to Commander kurimson's office were abruptly slammed open, and in walked a visibly irate Aoiple. With a hand full of documents he slams them on the table and shouts to his brother....

AOIPLE: I thought I said this before, so let be perfectly clear. Forced human trials are completely, and utterly inhumane. Not only that, but you have the gumption, to go behind my back and have YOUR researchers try and re-synthesize MY de-aging cream formula?

Kurimson, who was currently monitoring his forces from outside his office window, spun around in his chair to face his brother. He put on an innocent smile as he spoke....

Kurimson: Come.... on, brother! Lighten up! We've got a great thing going here yeah? You've gotta think about the bigger picture

Aoiple frowned

AOIPLE: The big picture? I buried this formula for a reason! It's was unstable and it even went against biological evolution itself, I hate myself for even creating it in the first place!

Kurimson: Hate yourself!? You were on the cusp of IMMORTALITY, think of the possibilities. Brother, with a bit MORE gumption, we could be....

Aoiple: Don't sit there and tell me that WE can do or be ANYTHING, this is about YOU, sitting at the top by yourself. I know you better than most kuri, you've always been more interested obtaining power by any means necessary. Immortality? The chance for you to live forever and grow an unstoppable army, you'd do ANYTHING to achieve that

The Red headed sibling cursed under his breath and gave his brother a look of disgust. If he didn't love him, he'd have him gone, but even he wasn't heartless enough to pull a stunt like that. He stands up and offered his hand to his brother, Aoiple looks at kurimson's hand, and instead of shaking it, he walks away, and exits the office....

Kurimson: *Sigh*

The man reached over and grabbed a hat that sat atop his desk before pressing a nearby button

~ BEEP ~

RR SECRETARY: How may I help you sir?

Commander Kurimson: Send the doctor my way why don't'cha?

RR SECRETARY: Right away sir


AZULLY: *Snooooooooooooooooore*

The young doctor snored loudly as a small pool of saliva formed near the side of her mouth. At some point during the night, she'd fallen face first on the ground. Azully was fully content on sleeping for the entire day, but unfortunately for her....



The sudden alarm nearly gave Azully a heart attack. She pushed herself up as Tagami spoke....

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