Chapter 2

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(In any other circumstance I would use Finan's accent. But I find it rather difficult. So yes, he has an accent in the book. But I will not write it all the time as I find it very time consuming to make sure it is correct.) 

"My sister here tells me you have taken Uhtred." Ragnar spoke as he continued on. "I will kill every one of you if you think you will harm a hair on my sister." Ragnar spoke as Guthred thought for a moment before calling off his men and Ragnar sheathed his sword. He gently grabbed his sister's hand. "Uhtred is lost." Guthred spoke lies as Ragnar leaned back to hear it from his sister.

"They sold him to slavery brother. I did not know until I returned from hunting." She whispered swiftly to him as he gently kissed her head. "My sister says otherwise." She shifted on her feet with narrowed eyes. "Your sister is a pagan whore." Valdis quickly pulled Ragnar back hoping he would leave it be. Guthred and the priest walked away as Ragnar grabbed Valdis face in his hands.

"I have been looking for you, my sister." He spoke softly as she nodded. "As I you. But we must go now." She was determined to find Uhtred. "Grab what you need." She nodded as she began saddling her horse as Sihtric began loading his horse before stopping and making his way over to her. 

He gently wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her temple before holding her face in his hands. "We will find him my love." He spoke reassuringly as he missed the death glares from Ragnar as he watched them silently. 

"I know it's just. After this war, after everything. What do you want to do? Where would you want to go?" She asked as the surprise on his face was evident. "Well, I would like to marry you." He spoke softly trailing kisses along her neck as she killed. "Have a few children with you. Possibly even die with you." 

She pulled him in for a gentle kiss with a small smile as she nodded in agreement. Her life was so much death she wasn't sure when she would get this much happiness. But she didn't want to lose it. "I go wherever you go my love." He spoke softly as he rested his head against hers for a moment and kissing her forehead before they both go on their respective horses. With Valdis riding beside Ragnar and Sihtric not far behind him.

The rode in silence before Ragnar couldn't take it anymore. "He treats you well?" He realized his words sounded a bit threatening as she glanced over at him with a small smile. "He does." She glanced behind her to see a smile and Sihtric's face.

"He makes you happy. Provides you with what you wish?" Ragnar had to be certain this man wouldn't hurt his sister. He could tell they weren't married. But it was clear that there was a lot of trust between the two. "I don't remember the last time I was as happy as I am with him. He would follow me to Valhalla if I asked."

Ragnar sighed for a moment before nodding. he wouldn't kill him. Yet. The rest of the ride was silent as they finally arrived at the slave trade. Which they greeted by a man. They removed themselves from their horses as Valdis had a good hold on the hilt of her sword as she walked beside Ragnar.

"You are Jonis?" Ragnar asked as Valdis watched him closely. Jonis nodded in response as Ragnar rested his hands on his belt. "I am told you took a man, a warrior, from Guthred of Eoferwic." Valdis studied him silently waiting for a lie to appear as the man was nervous. "I see the faces of many creatures."

"He's lying." Valdis concluded. She could tell his nervous movements he knew exactly of whom we spoke. "I will pay you." The man seems to agree. "A warrior slave, called himself Osbert. A man with him." Valdis glanced at her brother with a small nod. They began to set up camp not far from the beach getting comfortable. 

Sihtric sat behind Valdis as she sat in front of the fire across from her brother. Sihtric gently kissed the back of her head with a small smile. He wasn't aware that in the coming months. His world would be snatched from him. "Sihtric, come collect firewood with me." Ragnar spoke as he finished stabbing into the ground with his sword.

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