Chapter 3

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"I gave my word we would return to Wessex. Kjartan must wait, and Thyra must wait." Ragnar knew his words were about the start a war. "And Gisela?" Hild spoke seeing that Valdis was ready to explode. "She waits for you at the nunnery at Epchester." It was clear where they would go but Sihtric felt the anger radiating off of Valdis and chose the wiser option to slide away from her to avoid her wrath.

"Thyra must wait. Have you lost your mind? Our sister could be suffering. God knows where and you want me to wait?" Valdis tried to remain calm with a narrowed look. "Valdis...." Ragnar began carefully as he realized just how bad this would be. Finan who sat in between Sihtric and Uhtred leaned over to Sihtric.

"How bad is this about to be?" Finan asked quietly. "Bad enough to take a step back." Sihtric answered as Finan headed the warning and carefully slid further away from her. "If it were me, would you wait? Force me to endure whatever she has?" Ragnar froze at the question as he knew he could not do that. Not to her.

"Valdis you know I wouldn't." Ragnar tried to speak calmly as not to anger her further. "Then what makes Thyra any different?!" She snapped as she stood to her feet with Ragnar on his feet as well. "Because you are more important Valdis! You were born and raised a warrior. You were trained to carry a sword the day you walked. I did that! I taught you that! I was there when father and mother favored Thyra over you! I was there!" Ragnar snapped at her as she glared at him before once again storming off the second night in the row. 

"Sihtric do not follow her." Uhtred spoke as he glanced over at Finan. "You are the least likely to die to her sword at the moment." Sihtric narrowed his eyes slightly. Finan wanted to ask why but did not argue as he followed after the woman. "Valdis." He spoke as he sat beside her on the sand. 

"My entire life was war. It was kill or be killed. I was to never marry. To mother children. Only to fight for our legacy. Ragnar was his first choice. But if Ragnar were to die. I was next to take his earldom." Valdis spoke softly as she played with the small knife in her hand. "But your free." Finan spoke as he could clearly see she didn't feel trapped.

She smiled softly. "I am free. But I am also a goddess of death. Which many fear." Finan scoffed slightly. "You are a warrior las. The reason they fear you is cause you are a woman. Who is capable to make her own decisions." Finan answered. He spent his whole life watching women around him be put down. 

"Finan where do you come from?" Valdis asked look next to her staring at him. "Long story." Finan sighed as Valdis got more comfortable. "Well I got time." She smiled softly as Finan returned the smile. Sihtric watched from afar with a narrowed look.

"Sihtric, remember when I ask you if she were to leave you for someone else?" Ragnar spoke up as he noticed Sihtric staring. "I want her to be happy. Even if it's not me." Sihtric spoke with a frown. It was the beginning of the end for them. He could feel it. "She asked me a few weeks back if I would ever marry her. Have children." Sihtric spoke without taking his eyes from her.

"I told her yes. She seemed happy with my answer." Sihtric was trying to wrap his head around it. Uhtred finally spoke up. "Sihtric, do not fear. She is merely making friends. Sometimes she needs to walk away from everything to clear her head. Talking to him gives her a break from us." Uhtred sent Sihtric and encouraging not. Sihtric was silent. Remained silent the rest of the night.


Uhtred stormed into the church where the priests had Gisela held. "She is married now. She belongs to Aelfric." Valdis held her sword tightly in her hand. "A man does not own a woman." She spat fiercely. "You dare bring this devil into a holy place?" The priest who she remembered as the man who stood beside Guthred. Eadred. 

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