𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞. secret society

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THE NEXT NIGHT, the three worked on getting people into their secret group. Luis wrote letters to each person, asking them to come.

To whoever finds themselves lucky enough,
Come to the Poe statue. Friday at 11 pm. Don't tell anyone. Come by yourself. Don't be late. When the clock strikes 11, snap twice to enter.
– The Nightshade Society

After reading it, and agreeing that it was good enough, Luis handed the six handwritten notes to Lillith, who would be the one to deliver the notes, Milla asking her a question on her way out.

"Hey, uhm, Lilith. Who's the sixth person?" Lilith smirked and shrugged, telling the girl she would have to wait and find out. Luis and Milla looked at each other in confusion as Lillith walked out of the secret room, making her way to the girls' rooms, going to Bianca and Divina's first. She quickly turned herself invisible and used her intangibility to silently go into the room. Bianca was at her desk and Divina was laying in bed, both girls doing their homework.

"Yeah, he's really cute. I wonder if he's seeing anyone." Bianca shrugged her shoulders as Lillith quietly placed the two envelopes labeled Divina and Bianca on Divina's desk. Just as quietly and quickly as Lillith made her way into the room, she left.

"Probably not. Can I borrow a few sheets of paper for my English notes?" Divina nodded her head as she pointed to her desk. The Barclay girl got up from her seat and walked over to her roommate's desk, seeing the two envelopes on her desk. "Hey, what are these?" Bianca grabbed the two envelopes off of the desk, showing them to Divina, who furrowed her brows in confusion, getting up from her spot and walking over to the desk.

"I'm not sure. But they weren't there a couple minutes ago when I moved to my bed." The two girls quickly opened their letters, reading to themselves, confused.

"The Nightshades? Didn't they disband like thirty years ago, or something?" Divina shrugged her shoulders as Bianca smirked. "Well, looks like we got plans this Friday." Next on the list was Yoko Tanaka, who Lillith didn't know all too well, so the girl knocked. She knew Yoko wouldn't l see her but she wanted to make sure she didn't disrupt anyone's privacy. The door opened and Yoko came out from behind the piece of wood, not seeing anything as Lillith used her powers to get past her. She took the note for her and placed it on her bed, quickly slipping back out of the room without a sound. Yoko shrugged as she walked back over to her bed, seeing the note. She quickly opened and read it, smiling.

"Sweet." After Yoko, Lillith realized only the guys were left. Sighing, she made her way to the boys rooms, and after the long walk, she took into consideration that she didn't know where the last invites room was.

"Three down, three to go. Thank god." The Sorin girl walked past the headmaster's room, but retracted when she remembered that he had a list of his boys and their room numbers. Lillith mentally cursed herself as she stood at the door, using her powers to go in, not seeing the man anywhere. She let out a quick sigh as she looked around his room, finding the list on a clipboard that hung on his bed post. The girl kneeled down and took a look at the clipboard, finding the boy's name and room number. She grinned when she found it, quickly standing up and making her way out of the room. She only had three letters left, and luckily two of them were close, the other one was farther down the hall, a good twenty rooms down. As she walked down the hallways of the boys dorm, she thought that maybe these people wouldn't show up and think this was stupid. Hopefully, they would come, she thought.

"Maybe if you'd pay attention in class, you wouldn't need my help."

"Oh, come on, Kent. Just tonight's homework, that's it, I swear." Lillith smirked, glad she didn't have to go to two different rooms to find Ajax and Kent. The two boys walked beside each other, coming towards Lillith as she placed the two notes on the floor in front of them.

"Ajax, shut up. Look." The siren pointed towards the floor where Lillith had placed them clumsily, the boys seeing their names. "That's weird."

"You're telling me you don't get random notes from the floor?" Kent's brows furrowed in confusion as Ajax shrugged, picking the notes off the floor as Lillith walked past them. She smiled as she made her way to the last invites room, excited to give him the note. The Sorin girl knocked on his door, using her powers to hide herself. The boy walked out of his bathroom with a confused look on his face, his roommate sound asleep in the bed across from his. He couldn't think of anyone who would come to his room late at night, but he was curious. When the door opened, Lillith slipped past him, placing the note on his bed. Seeing no one at the door, the brunette shut the door and walked over to his bed, seeing the note with his name written across the front, Xavier.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑, x.t.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu