where is he?

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I decided to add dawn and mike because I thought it would be a good idea for this book

[I don't own Dawn or Mike. Also I headcanon that Mike kinda haunts Steven.]

-in strangled reds home-

Steven was in his room pacing around trying to figure out something.

Where was lost silver or gold?

Steven thought he was staying with glitchy red but it turns out that glitchy red doesn't even know where he is either.

This made Steven worry since it wasn't like gold to go away for long but now that he's gone for almost three days now it's making him worry, wondering where his friend could be.

Steven looked everywhere where he thought gold would be, he checked glitchys house, he checked around the forest area, he even tried to ask Mike but he didn't respond to him but only poked him in the sides to annoy him.

Before Steven could think anymore  he heard a knock at his door, it was dawn, checking up on him to see if he was alright and such, since this guy is old.

"Um steven..I know your concerned but I'm sure he's alright.." Dawn tried to console the older male but to no avail since Steven on tensed a bit more.

"Dawn you don't know that, he could scared or terrified that's he not here anymore" Steven walked out the room, dawn following shortly behind.

"Yeah he might be scared but I'm sure that he can handle himself" Dawn fiddled with her hands as she walked down the stairs.

"Dawn..people could have found him and took him somewhere to probably torture him or probably keeping him in their basement to run tests on"

Steven worried for his friend, what would happen to him, is he okay, is he safe, who would find him? What if he's with weirdos or freaks.

-meanwhile with the other-

'So its been three more days since the boy came around and it's been alright.

It's not the worse thing to happen, I mean we've had kids that always ran away when everyone fell asleep.

So certainly not the worst thing to happen to all of us.

Anyway it's been kinda quiet in the house lately, I understand why though.

Ally is usually quiet when around newer people.

Jester is scared of making noises in front of people.

honey is just an overall quiet person in general.

And me, I just have a bad feeling from this guy, I mean who wouldn't have a bad feeling from a person who looks dead and randomly appeared in your house on a random afternoon.

But on a good note, I finally finished the book that I bought last week, it was nice to finally complete that book.

Anyways I must go but I'm sure I'll see you again.'

Lia put the pen down, closing the journal after putting the cap on the pen.

They stood up from their desk, grabbing the journal with them as they kneeled down on the floor to remove the wooden floor board to reveal a small empty box in the ground.

Lia put the journal back in the hole and put the wooden floor board back on into it's original place making it seem like it wasn't there to begin with.

Lia went outside the house and saw...well not the worst thing in the world. Jester and ally were just helping lost silver up the hill to go sledding...not that bad, hopefully. Honey was sitting on the porch swing, watching the two pull lost silver up the hill slowly but surely.

[Back with steven]

"I don't know dawn..I just have a gut feeling that gold is around bad people..I just really hope he doesn't get hurt than he already is."

Steven was very concerned or rather confused by this whole situation, since gold just disappeared into thin air and hasn't been seen for three whole days almost four now.

Dawn spoke up after a few minutes after Steven stopped talking.

"Steven, I'm sure gold will be okay...he can probably handle himself just fine.."

Dawn spoke in a quiet tone of voice, dawn hoped that her words would be able to convince Steven that maybe gold will be okay for now.

Steven stayed silent for a few seconds before letting out a sigh and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I guess, I suppose I'll believe for now that he's alright for now. I'm just concerned."

Dawn nodded understanding stevens concern but Dawn was glad that she got to Steven for now. I'm sure everything is just fine.


The sledding went so wrong. Ally accidentally ran into a tree, causing everyone to crash into the snow. Lost silver was fine but the other two...let's just say one is knocked out and the other one is terribly bruised. Stupid sleds not going in a good direction.

Lia just sighed and chuckled softly, Lia is used to this by now since they've been friends with these three for years now.

Jester and ally were on the couch and lost silver was sitting on the ground. Ally was knocked out cold from colliding with the tree head first and Jester was just bruised on their arms.

So everything went well today nothing out of the ordinary happened, it's all good and dandy for now at least.

-time skip a few hours later-

Everyone was now in bed, Ally was in their room after Lia and Honey helped Ally into their bed, honey was in their room reading a book, Jester was in their hammock and Lia was Journaling the events of today again.

Everything was fine and normal like every other day of the year.

[This chapter is a bit short and I'm sorry, but in other words I hoped you enjoyed this chapter at least]

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