gardening buddies

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( when words are said like 'this' its the thoughts.)

( And also I am aware that Lost silver is called Gold in hypno's lullaby. At least in the files it is. But first now, the characters in the roblox universe call him lost silver and the universe where Steven is, he will be called gold by the characters from his universe. I just wanted to make that clear before I continue.)

-Day 6 in the house-

'He's still here, he isn't gone, it's not like I'm annoyed by this. It's just sometimes its difficult to know when he's around.

At least he's polite and doesn't make a mess around the house except for the blood dripping on the floor, I'll need to fix that later. It's just those floating letters with eyes freak me out since it feels like something is staring at you 24/7. It makes us all type of uncomfortable but it's better not to voice it.

I'm sure his family or friends miss him, I'm sure he'll be home soon but in the meantime, I can try to make this enjoyable.'

Lia closed the journal and put it back into the hidden box underneath the floorboards. So far, everything has been far.

Lia just needed a break from the house, just for a little bit to get away from everything and everyone. Lia decided to go to another game for a little bit, only a few hours, besides bloxburg can be a bit boring at times.

The only people who we're in the house was Ally, Jester and Lost silver. Honey left to a different game a few hours ago to see a friend.

Jester was in their room, probably drawing or something. It was a slow day so everything was boring today.

Ally was outside, in the garden. Doing something that they usually do on a random Thursday afternoon. Which was gardening.

Ally was just planting some plants since all the other one's died during winter and all the snow. We don't own a greenhouse.

Ally was planting some blossom bushes near some trees to make the backyard look...more appealing to the eyes of whoever comes to the house and not so dead looking.  They were also planting some sunflowers and mushrooms around the areas, makes it more lively if you get what they mean.

Ally took off their gardening gloves and turned around but basically got jumpscared by lost silver. Ally almost jumped out of their own skin, gah that's freaky. He comes out of nowhere.

Ally just looked down at the pale boy, and just gave a small wave to him before going back to what they were doing beforehand, which was planting some stuff.

*a bit of a time skip*

Ally couldn't focus because of the staring from the lost silver and the little eye letter basically staring at them with no life in their eyes. It's disturbing. I mean it looks cool but disturbing.

After seven or more minutes ally just sighed and looked down at lost silver who was sitting on the porch steps looking at ally and everything in the backyard.

Ally didn't really want to talk to lost silver right now, sure he's been here for a few days but it's still not enough to talk to him yet.

Ally just wanted peace. That's all.

At this point, ally decided to just ignore the boy and continue to garden the garden, if that makes sense.

Like usual, sunflowers, mushrooms, and blossom bushes planted everywhere but it's all neat.

Neat I say.

*little bit of a time skip*

Ally might have used gold, as a plant holder. Ally put a potted plant to gold to 'keep safe' while they worked on other things.

In truth they just had to cover up golds eyes or..sockets? This dude doesn't have eyes. It keeps getting weirder at this point, but then again there has been..severally worse. This dude just gave off a weird vibe certainly.

But, if he doesn't have can he see? Are those letters like seeing eyes for him or something? So many questions, and yet no answers.

But anyways shrugging it off, ally continued putting some mushrooms in the ground near the edge of the fence, getting dirt on their gardening gloves. They'll wash them later.

[Time skip a few hours]

After a while of planting, watering and contemplating for a few hours, ally decided to take a break for just a few minutes. There wasn't much more to do anyways, no more weeds to pluck, and no more need to plant more plants.

ally took of their gloves, and sat down on the backyard porch steps. It was shady so it was a nice change from the over baring heat from the sun. Lost silver hasn't really moved, he's just sitting there, with a potted plant on his lap, looking unfazed.

Ally looked over a bit and slowly took the potted plant back, putting on one of the porch steps instead.

Though ally didn't really talk to lost silver, ally didn't really care much. Many people have lived here, so this was no different than all the others, but i guess a limbless guy falling through your ceiling is a bit..out of the ordinary.

Though lost silver only knows lia's name, he doesn't know Ally's name, honeys name or jesters name. They were all quiet really, Lia was the only one who spoke to lost silver.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to..introduce themselves to lost silver, but how? Ally didn't really trust this guy right now. So, maybe something else other than talking? Maybe writing on something would help? Yeah that will work.

Ally took out a notepad from their pocket, along with a pen which was frog themed. They always kept a notepad on them, just in case they didn't want to talk when around new people, to ally, talking is a form of trust.

Ally wrote something down on the paper, and slowly tapped lost silvers, trying not to get touch the open wounds he had..that might need to be a conversation for later.

Lost silver slowly turned to 'look' at Ally, some unknowns staring as well. Ally showed lost silver the notepad and it wrote

'Hi, I'm Ally'

At the end of the note it had a tiny frog doodle on it, it fits the theme. You know?

Lost silver didn't really react to it, not like he could anyway, but one of unknowns seemed to move a bit and closed it's eye? Didn't know it could do that.

Before ally could write more, lia's voice was heard from the living room seemingly asking for help for something.

Ally looked at the glass door before looking at lost silver and patting him on the back. Before quickly getting up and going inside the house.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, is what lost silver thought. He was starting to become more comfortable around these people, they seemed nice in their own individual ways.

But we'll see.

[I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! This took me longer than I expected so sorry. I've been working on many other things lately]

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