4 - Toi

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CW: a little NSFW, a bit of horror


Tsubaki's face was like ice.

Silence stretched out between them tangibly. Eitsu could practically feel her pulling away, despite the highly controlled expression on her face.

She sighed. "No."


Tsubaki's response was to pour out a light-flavoured tea for Eitsu. "Where are you staying, Kyuo-dono?"

"Why won't you tell me?"

"Because... I don't exactly know, myself. One day you were there, the next day you were gone," was what her mouth said.

Don't ask me again, her dark eyes seemed to say.

Eitsu tossed the remains of the tea casually into her mouth, and stood, brushing back the strands of hair that fell across her face. "Thanks for the tea."

"I think you meant to say 'fuck you' right?"

"It's kind of hot hearing you say those words with that face of yours."

"Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you."


Tsubaki threw her another unamused look. With a smirk, Eitsu left.

What a weird sensation, to meet someone who knew more about her than she did. It was like tripping into an unexpected hole in the dark. She was a young kaibyou, more cat than human. What was she supposed to do? How many other people had she known before, and forgotten? Briefly, the blurry impression of the child from her dream rose in her mind. The suddenly empty eye sockets chased a chill along her spine.

Well, she certainly didn't want to think about it. She wanted to find a comfy place to sleep, something good to eat, and maybe have someone scratch behind her ears. With those thoughts, she headed back towards her mistress' house.


"How was the show?" her mistress asked some hours later, the two of them tucked up in bed. Eitsu snuggled drowsily against her breasts as the woman rubbed her ears.


She laughed with genuine amusement. Eitsu could feel the woman quiver beneath her. "You're probably the only person I've ever heard say that a show by Tsubaki was 'alright'. What was so bad about it?"

"Nothing was bad. I said 'alright' and meant it. She's a good performer."

"And pretty?"


"Prettier than me?"

Eitsu yawned widely, then without warning, bit down softly on one of her breasts. Her mistress squeaked in surprise.


"I could say the same thing. What nonsense are you asking me?" She let go and began to lick. Her mistress shivered.

"Don't you know? T- This is the sort of nonsense women love to... hear from their lovers."

"Really?" Annoying. 

To distract her mistress, she slyly flipped her onto her stomach and pressed her whole body against her back.

"Naughty," she said again, but made no attempt to dislodge her. She had wanted to ask why Tsubaki seemed so interested in people named 'Eitsu', but it didn't seem so important right now.

"Should I stop?"

"You'll get in trouble if you do."

"Then I'd better not stop."

Eitsu's Nine Lives (永津の九生) [yuri/GL yokai reincarnation story]Where stories live. Discover now