The library

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It's been a couple of months and Bernard hasn't shown yet. I have a book reading with the kids from Charlies class after school at the library. I'm currently looking for my glasses.

"Check the bag." I hear the voice I've come to love from behind me.

I do and I find my glasses there.

"I don't remember putting them there?" I tell Bernard.

"Because you didn't. Remember, whenever you need something, the bag will have it." He unfolds the note from all those months ago.

"I missed you." I tell him.

"You should have summoned me." Bernard retorts.

"I didn't want to bother you." I say, grabbing my house keys.

"You could never bother me (y/n)." He says earnestly.

"I'm happy your here and all, but I'm gonna be late to read at the library." I hurriedly grab my hat and coat.

"I'll come with you!" Bernard calls after me.

"That's great and all, but what about your ears. You'll have to cover them, unless you want a million questions from first graders." I retort walking outside.

"I'll cover them with my hair. Don't worry!" He beams at me.

"Ok then. It's only a five minute walk to the library." I say, waiting for him to catch up.

"So how have things been at the pole?" I ask him.

"Oh you know, working hard! There only a little over 100 days until Christmas Eve. The sleigh is getting seatbelts so you can't fall out if you're a passenger." Bernard walks beside me.

"Oh that's good. Last time I felt like Charlie was gonna fall right over the edge." I nod.

"I'm sorry for not coming sooner." He apologizes.

"Not your fault. You're head elf, I know you've got loads of responsibilities." I assert.

I feel like I should be colder, but I'm not. It must be part of my powers. Normally I would be shivering after all this rain. I'm wearing the trapper hat from that night. It covers my ears perfectly and since it's windy it's a perfect cover up. After a little while we reach the library.

"So what book are you reading them?" Bernard asks.

I reach into my bag and think of the book I need.

"This one." I say, pulling out a copy of Peter rabbit.

"I made puppets and everything!" I show him the finger puppets.

"Did Charlie request all this?" Bernard asks, an eyebrow raised.

"Ok maybe not the puppets, but he loves puppets!" I retort.

"It's his favorite story after all! He was just like Peter when he was younger." I smile fondly.

"Just to let you know, Laura is going to be here, so if she says anything snarky, ignore it." I warn Bernard.

"Ok..." he says hesitantly.

We step into the doors and walk to the elevator. I press the number for floor three and smile at Bernard. The elevator opens and I walk to the service desk.

"Hi! I'm here for the seven o'clock reading." I smile at the woman behind the desk.

"Oh! You must be (y/n) Calvin! It's so nice to see people have in interest in teaching the youth of Chicago!" She smiles brightly.

"It's always a pleasure ma'am." I smile and nod at her.

I walk to the reading corner and sit down in the chair. Bernard sits next to me. I pull out the puppets and the book and set them on the table nearby. Suddenly I hear a voice and shoes hitting carpet.

(Two souls entwined in the North Pole)Bernard the elf x soulmate readerWhere stories live. Discover now