Comfort and a visit to charlies house

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As soon as we get home dad heads to his room and refuses to come out. The door is locked and talking through it is about all I can do. How Laura can be such a cruel person is a loss to me. He barely does anything for over a week. After work I trudge to my room, change into pajamas and crawl under the covers. I just can't do it anymore. I rub my locket because it makes me think of Bernard. He'd make everything better. I just know it.

"Snowbird what's wrong?" I hear Bernard's voice come from outside my covers.

"She did it." I say, fighting back tears.

"Who did what?" He sits beside me.

"Laura took away dads visitation rights. He's not supposed to even be near him now!" I sob.

He pulls back the blanket and pulls me into his arms.

"I'm sorry snowbird." He pats me on the back. "I've got to get back to the pole for now but I'll see you later, ok?"

I nod and hug him tight. After he poofs away a knock comes from my door.

"Do you want to take a walk with me? Maybe see the Christmas lights at the town square?" Dad asks opening my door.

"Yeah, that sounds fun." I wipe my eyes with my sleeve.

We leave the house and start walking. Soon we are at a familiar house.

"Dad! You know we aren't supposed to be here!" I gasp.

"I just want to see him." Dad sighs, knocking on the door.

Neil opens the door and looks confused between us both.

"Hey Neil." Dad stuffs his hands into his pockets.

"Scott, you're not supposed to be here. And neither are they." Neil points to me.

"Don't make me beat you up Neil." Dad half heartedly threatens.

"Oh would Santa and Christmas spirit beat up someone?" Neil says, hands on his hips.

Dad moves past him into the house. I shrug and offer a half sincere sorry.

"I'm this close." dad says, fingers nearly touching.

" So you still believe you're Santa?" Neil asks pointedly.

"I don't know." Dad sighs.

Charlie comes running in. "What do you mean you don't know?  Of course you are, Dad. How can you say that? Think of all those kids!"

"The only kids I'm thinking about are you and your sibling." Dad tussles his hair.

"We're fine! You can't let them down!" Charlie stomps.

Laura cuts in "Charlie listen."

" You listen! You think you know who he is. You don't!" Charlie wails.

Laura tries to reason with him " Charlie. Honey, listen. You're confused."

"I know exactly who they are!" Charlie cries out, tears brimming from his eyes.

"They are not Christmas spirit and Santa Claus!" Laura practically screams at him.

"He is too, Santa! We went to the North Pole together. I saw it. The elves are real old even though they look like Bernard called me sport, 'cause he knew everything. Right, Dad? He's (y/n)s soulmate! The necklace they have is from him!" Charlie tosses dad his snow globe.

And like that it seems like everything clicks behind his eyes.
"Thank you Charlie, thank you." He scoops him into a hug.

"Can we have a minute? To say goodbye?" I plead.

Laura scrunches up her face but Neil nods and ushers her off.

"You saw the ball come to life! You saw it!" Charlie says joyously.

"You bet I did," dad starts but Charlie is ready to run to pack a bag.

"Well, wait, sport. Sport. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I think it's a much better idea if you just stayed here with your mom." Dad explains.

"I wanna be with you two though!" Charlie says.

"I love hearing you say that" dad wipes his eyes.

"You mean I can go?!" Charlie asks excited.

"Boy, this bird is dry. Haven't you people heard about basting?" I hear a familiar voice and I see the face of my boyfriend stuffed with turkey.

I hold in a giggle but my smile is bursting at h the seams. He smiles back at me.

"Bernard!" Charlie jumps up.

"Hiya sport!" Bernard nods at him.

"Bernard, can I go? Please, can I go, Bernard?!" Charlie pleads, puppy dog eyes engaged.

"It's ok with me." Bernard shrugs.

He grabs our my hand and dads. I hold Charlie and he poofs us away. In mere seconds we are at the pole. An elf whisks Charlie away to help on the sleigh and our outfits.

Bernard whisks me away while dad bonds with the reindeer.

"How do you always know how to make things better?" I grin.

"Just part of my charm I guess." He presses his forehead to mine.

I move forward and lock our lips. The faint taste of turkey lingers on his breath. I kiss him hard and he kisses back harder. My tongue grazes his l bottom lip and he gladly opens to me. He lets out a light moan and I can't help but think dirty. My hands find his hair and his hands meet behind my neck. His hair is unbelievably soft. I wonder if the carpet match the drapes. I'm sure he would be beautiful down below, just like the rest of him is. My finger grazes his ear and he damn near buckles out from under him. He pulls me as close as he can, his half hard erection pulsating against the inside of my thigh, and when we might get a little too carried away a knock interrupts us. We quickly untangle ourselves from each other. Our faces hot with lust and embarrassment. His hands shifts his bag to hide his growing hard on.

Dad stands in the doorway. "Was what I think was happening in here, happening?" He points between both of us.

"Well, that depends on what you thought was happening!" I rush.

"So the answer is yes." Dad nods smugly.

"I am an adult you know!" I cross my arms.

"You're still my little kid. But if it had to be anyone I'm glad it's you Bernard." He nods.

"Well thank you sir!" Bernard beams, his hands fidgeting.

"Just don't be doing that around me. I would like to think of my kid as innocent even if they're not," dad starts.

"Guys! Quinton and I have got to show you this!" Charlie burst in.

Bernard smiles at me and I pull him out of the room. He's perfect.

(Two souls entwined in the North Pole)Bernard the elf x soulmate readerWhere stories live. Discover now