Sexy lady

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You groan as you realise that squark was the bird to take you to the school you dreaded leaving home for. " GET YOUR ASS DOWON HERE NOW (y/n)!" Your dad yelled form the bottom of the stairs. "YES DAD I CAN HERE IT." He might have been hades but you still didn't wanna leave your home.

You packed all your clothes and a few dresses you knew you dad would suggest you leave home or burn. Either way, you were not prepared for the power and force that dam bird grabbed you with; you waved good by to your dad only then realising that the stupid bird held you so tight that the second you lifted your arm there was a pop and incredible pain. "Yep that hurts, thanks you OVER SIZED BIN CHICKEN!" The bird looked down for a second before tilting its head and just not caring.

A little while into flying you can see both castles you hope that it will put you in the school for evil. The big chicken started flying towards the school for evil and you thank your lucky stars.

It drops you with force into the thickest filthiest water you've ever seen and you live on the brink of the underworld. Your arm was still dead but you managed to get out of the water most of the students were being dragged out with there bags but you walked out and a wolf guard grabbed your bags and carried them following you into the main hall. You asked why you were being treated different and the guard just said "we know who your dad is and we don't want him coming here" you sigh a little as you keep walking just soaking in the beautiful black and gold decorations all over the walls.

It almost made you forget about the pain in your arm. Out of the corner of your eye you can see some girls laughing at your outfit and realise the water hade made the silk in your dress see through. You ignored it just walking past pretending not to care. You hear the sexiest voice your sure you've ever heard. You turn around to see the most stunning woman standing behind you you peer your head around and see the wolf dog slightly leant over almost bowing. You ask her who she is and she replies with "I'm lady lesso dean of the school for evil" " hi I'm (y/n)" you replied trying not to pass your ass out as the pain in your arm continues. She notices your wincing and realised what's wrong "in pain darling" you nod not wanting to answer. She walks behind you twisting your arm back slightly and bending you over a little to get a good grip on your arm. You wine as she pops it back into place.

You shake your arm off, bending your fingers to make sure there all functional before walking closer to lesso. Before you got close enough to thank her "back up"she pushes you away with her cane. You just stay quiet trying not to gay panic at her beautiful face and just stand there awkwardly as you don't know what to do how. She giggles at the weird expression on your face before spinning around whilst saying "show time" with a big smile.

Lesso glides to the front of the hall before banging her cane on the ground yelling "LISTEN UP NEVERS, your dorm room numbers and class schedules are on the wall, you will do your best to memorise them". Everyone started scuttling to the wall and to there dorms.

Hello everyone this is my first book and I love it already so thank you for reading!

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