The Start

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The day starts of as normal but there's an anxiousness in the air for her.
She is both excited and yet apprehensive about what the day is bringing.
She knows he'll be here soon and it'll be a day of hanging out finally. Some good food and good company and fun times.
But at the same time she is deep down very excited.
Soon she'll have the time alone to try things she had never tried before, but the reading of it had gotten her worked up before. He gotten the room and it's hers and hers alone, for as long as she needs and wants it for. That in itself excites her. Knowing that someone else will know what she's doing.
Her bag is packed for the overnight excursion. She wonders if she's packed enough or not enough. But she figures soon she'll find out.

As she walks up to the meeting place, she sees him and waves. The smile gleaming back puts her at ease a bit. He'd always been so kind to her. Maybe a little forward a times but somehow it wasn't to upsetting.
They get closer and finally greet each other with a light hug. He tells her that he's already checked in and that they can go drop of her bag before heading of to catch up over lunch.
As they small talk on the way to the room she is starting to ease up and relax.
He opens the door and and she follows him in.
His bag is just off on the corner table and she heads over to put here next to it.
Just as he is asking if she likes the room she feels her bag catch on the chair. Suddenly the contents start falling out as the zipper opens more.
She is horrified for a moment, as no one has every seen her toys before. They have talked about them and a lot he has sent to her, but never has he seen them. Until now!
Quickly she bends down to start gathering everything up. A bit red faced now, she notices he is helping. A big warm smile on his face. He's not embarrassed at all and actually seems a bit giddy and happy with what he sees.
She grabs the first toy and tossed it in the bag, only to look over and see him holding the one that was making her anxious today.
The tail, all furry and majestic is in his hand. The black silicone plug hanging there as if to tease her. She's played with it in her hand before. Feeling the size and then rubbing to feel the fur soft in her hand.

For the first time, today she knew she was finally going to feel it being used for what it was made for. Finding out, after reading about it, if she too would be in pure bliss using it.
She reaches out for it, and he just hold it smiling. As their eyes meet he starts handing it to her but slowly.
He asks if she just doesn't want to leave it out and ready for when she get back for the time alone later?
Shrugging, she figures why not. It's the reason they got room, to get away from the house and get some privacy to play fully with it.
He places it on the bed and then asks if the ears were packed too.
Quickly checking the bag she finds then and pulls them out. Without thinking she puts them on to show him.
She can see he is genuinely happy to see them, and even happier to see her wearing them for the first time. Giving a little smile, she takes them off and puts them on the bed too. What a cute set they make together. She is instantly intrigued to know how it'll look, and feel, when both are used finally.
She turns and see that he's also picked up the bottle of lube that also fell out.
"Definitely don't want to lose this" he grins and places then on the bed as well.
They both giggle a bit knowing how true that is.
"And did you bring the cleaning stuff?"
"Couldn't forget that! Need it as much as the lube I'm thinking" she replies.
Reaching into the bag she fondles and find the anal douche and holds it up before putting it next to everything else.
"Perfect!" She hears him say. "Have to make sure the night goes perfectly and proper" Suddenly she feels a hand lightly slap her ass. "Don't want anything ruining the moment nor your beautiful ass"
He's grinning from ear to ear now
He's complimented her but before but never in person and definitely not while touching it. Shivers run through her body. Like lightening, and immediately she feels every part of his hand on her ass and she's loving it.

"Thinking we both want you to enjoy this time of fun and play so you get the most of of it, especially the pressure!"

She now is well aware his hand hasn't moved but instead is firmly grasping her one cheek. Her whole body starts to warm.
"Did you bring any more toys to help you work up to it?"

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