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When Bryan was in his evil form or something he had a burn mark on the right side (I think it was) of his face what if the scar stayed.

Before Bryan died he was taller then inpu (I have this headcanon because I just like to think before s3 that he was a top mainly because of something said in one of naya's videos saying "inpu becomes top for this episode")

Inpu is really clingy ever since the magnis(forgor how to spell there name) book arc

(This headcanon is just me projecting) Bryan gender fluid :D

Inpu has nightmares repeating Bryan's death

When inpu has these nightsmares bryan brings him to his chest so he could listen to his hart beat and says "everything is okay I'm still here"

When Bryan was forced to go to the underworld he was shown awful things (I don't have any examples) then what we were show and that traumatized him for a long time

{this isn't a headcanon it's more of a question}
Since Aphrodite was or are based of birds/doves and there wings are 35 present of a birds body weight dose because Bryan's wing are pretty big dose that mean his wings way more or are they still 35% of his weight?

Inpu has really low self esteem and he thinks that he's not good enough for Bryan

{I have a load more but I don't feel like adding them}
244 words

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