^*~𝕀 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖~*^

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!!!Omg i forgot to add this but this is my own little personal vent/projection on to bryan so please don't hate on me for doing it!!!
⚠️warning this chapter contains mentions of cutting self harm and mentions of wanting to   Off them selfs if you do not like this please don't read this⚠️
It was noon and Bryan was in the bathroom

He was sitting on the floor cutting himself

It relieved pain and made him feel a little.. Better

"Bryan! Are you here?" Inpu shouted from the entrance

Bryan stopped and put the scalpel he was using away and healed his scars

He ran out hugging inpu

"Hi babe what brings you here" Bryan said letting go of the hug

"I just wanted to sleepover and hang out with you if you don't mind" inpu said looking way

Even if he looks different he still gets flustered easily

"Of course you can stay remember what I said" Bryan said as they were walking to the kitchen

"I can visit whenever I want" he said

"Mhm!" "Bryan is it okay if I use the bathroom I got some mud on my hands, from training with solis" Inpu said

"Oh yeah I'll be in the kitchen when you come back!" Bryan said walking to the kitchen

Once inpu got to the bathroom he smelled blood

Tho he just thought Bryan had accidentally hurt himself... right?

But he took a quick looked around. Maybe he was just paranoid

I mean it was a huge bathroom and Bryan didn't mind. Right?

As he was look in the cabinet he found a scalp with blood stains on it
Inpu was worried and closed the cabinet, deciding that he would ask Bryan about it later

While inpu was walking to the kitchen he heard humming

Now inpu was never really found of humming or music in general

But this one was so nice he could fall asleep to it

Once he made it to the kitchen he saw his husband sitting on the chair humming to himself

"You have a beautiful voice dear" inpu said

Bryan jumped and turned around to face him

"O-oh you scared me dear" Bryan said sighing and walking over to inpu

"Sorry dear" "it's okay you don't have to apologize for anything love" Bryan said putting his hand on inpus cheek

Making him go redder then a tamato

"You always look so cute when your flustered" Bryan said as he chuckled and walked back to his seat

!BRYPU oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora