Just Me

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Joe sighed shakily, as he stared out the window of Taylor's jet. They were getting ready to descend onto a private air strip in Nashville, and he could practically feel his throat tightening as they moved closer.

"So, I thought we'd go and settle the cats in at the apartment, before we head to the house. Sound good?"

Taylor looked over at Joe with a smile. She was excited to share this newly-private part of her life with her family. They'd been dating for a couple of months, and in a time where she felt she had to hide away her entire being from the world, she didn't want to hide her relationship from her parents and brother.


Joe smiled back at her. He was glad to focus on her, rather than mindlessly staring out the window in contemplation of his own anxieties.

"Are you okay?" Taylor tilted her head curiously. "You seem a little off."

"I'm fine." Joe's voice cracked. "I'm excited to meet your family later."

Taylor raised an eyebrow, as a little smirk formed on her lips. She reached over to gently rub Joe's thigh, and settled her hand there.

"It's alright if you're nervous, babe. They're looking forward to seeing us, and getting to know you."

He sighed again. Her touch soothed him in a way that left him wondering why he'd been so worried. It was really incredible the way she could inspire such strong emotional responses in him just as easily as she could calm his emotions, even on the worst days.

"Yeah, I have been pretty nervous. I just know how important they are to you, and you are to them. I'm looking forward to it, too. It's gonna be great," he said, more optimistically than before.

"It is gonna be great."

She reached over and kissed his cheek, and they snuggled closer while the plane began its descent.



Austin grinned, as he swung the door wide. He immediately reached out, and snatched his big sister into a tight hug. With everything that was going on in her life, he hadn't been seeing her much. It made him angry just thinking about the way he'd seen his sister be treated by not just the media and the incessant trolls on Twitter, but people who'd insinuated themselves into her life and pretended to be lifelong friends for her.

"I really missed you," Austin said quietly in her ear.

Taylor returned her brother's hug just as strongly. It was still odd to her sometimes how tall he'd gotten, even taller than her, which he hadn't been for the majority of their lives.

"I missed you, too, Aus. I'm sorry I haven't been around that often. I really want to spend more time you guys."

When the siblings pulled away from one another, Taylor smiled over at her boyfriend. He was standing shyly, waiting for her to introduce him. She moved over and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Austin, this is my boyfriend, Joe Alwyn. Joe, this is my little brother."

Austin looked over at the guy suspiciously, though he kept a friendly smile on his face. He'd seen her be disappointed and betrayed too many times for him to trust any man with his only sibling's heart so easily. The entire family had been so sure of Adam, and Taylor had seemed so happy with him on the outside. Then, he proved himself to be nothing more than another leech looking for a way to boost his own standing. So, all Austin knew was that this new guy better not be some good-for-nothing parasite.

"It's nice to meet you. Taylor's told me a lot about you." Joe held out his hand to the taller man. "We've sat down and watched both of your films, really fantastic to watch."

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